Bookkeeping for Business Course


LEO South Dublin, County Hall, Belgard Sq, Tallaght


Tuesday 24 May 2016, 9:30am - 4:30pm

Of Interest to:

Business Owners




Participants will gain a full introduction to the practical elements of manual bookkeeping. Learn how to keep financial records using a single-entry manual bookkeeping system and they will become competent in all basic bookkeeping routines and activities.

Topics Covered

  • Maintaining Petty Cash Records
  • Completing a petty cash voucher
  • Maintaining an analysed petty cash book
  • Maintaining the petty cash balance
  • Making and Receiving Payments
  • Processing cash receipts
  • Processing cheques received and other forms of receipts
  • Making payments in cash
  • Making payments in cheque
  • Preparing a remittance advice
  • Preparing and Processing Bookkeeping Documents
  • Processing Sales Invoices and credit Notes
  • Processing supplier invoices and credit notes
  • Recording Credit Transactions
  • Sales daybook
  • Sales return daybook
  • Purchases daybook
  • Purchases return daybook
  • Total and cross-check the daybooks for accuracy
  • Recording Receipts and Payments
  • Maintaining a two-column analysed cash book
  • Reconciling the bank statement with the cash book

More Information

For more information on this event and your Local Enterprise Office, click here.