Facebook for Business Beginners Workshop


Fingal Local Enterprise Office, County Hall Swords


2 May 2016, 9:30am - 4:30pm

Of Interest to:

Business Owners / Jobseekers




Did you know it is estimated that 60% of all Irish adults have a Facebook account? Are you missing out on business opportunities by not using Facebook effectively for your business?

This workshop will teach you how to get your company communicating effectively on Facebook, the world's largest social network.

This session will be highly participative and relevant through interactive learning, case studies, individual approach, use of hand-outs and audio-visual materials. Delivery style will include the use of trainer presentations, live demos, group and individual work, discussions and question and answer sessions.

Course materials will be provided, although participants are encouraged to bring along their own laptop in order to participate in the practical exercises in this workshop. 

Morning break, lunch and refreshments will also be provided.

More Information

For more information on this event and your Local Enterprise Office, click here.