National Industry 4.0 Summit


Mullingar Park Hotel, Mullingar, Westmeath


28 April 2016, 9am - 4:30pm

Of Interest to:

Business Owners




The National Industry 4.0 summit’s objective is for companies to learn how smart manufacturing is being implemented at leading industrial sites such as J&J, Ericsson, Siemens and Keenans.

The event will have attendees from the IT software sector and the manufacturing sector (both indigenous & MNC) who are considering implementing the pillars of Industry 4.0. This is the second manufacturing focused event co-ordinated by the Midland Manufacturing Group.

Who should attend?

Ireland’s CEOs, CTOs and Senior Management from the Manufacturing and Services sectors.

Why attend?

 To ensure your business is at the leading edge of Competitiveness and to explore developments in Industry 4.0 in collaboration with Global Industry Leaders and experts.

More Information

For more information on this event and Enterprise Ireland, click here.