Word Press - Intermediate Workshop


Local Enterprise Office. 1st Floor County Hall, Swords. Co. Dublin


24 May 2016, 9:30am - 4:30pm

Of Interest to:

Business Owners




Programme Objectives

The objective of this programme is, for the participants, to have advanced knowledge of Wordpress and how expand the capabilities of their existing website to include e-commerce and social media integration.

 Programme Outline

  • Advanced use of themes and plugins.
  • Developing a E-commerce website and taking payments online
  • Content creation overview.
  • Optimising images for search.
  • SEO including an introduction to Google Keyword Planner.
  • Understanding Meta Data.  What it is and how to use it to best advantage.
  • Create a dedicated landing page.  Link this landing page to your mail chimp account for email list building.
  • Headers & footers.  How to insert a tracking code in the header of a Wordpress website for Google Analytics, Webmaster tools, Facebook custom audiences etc.
  • Crafting a great meta description for Googles SERP.
  • Best use of available plugins to optimise your website for purpose (e-commerce etc.)

This session will be highly participative and relevant through interactive learning, case studies, individual approach, use of hand-outs and audio-visuals materials and work with a LCD large screen.  Delivery style will include the use of trainer presentations, live demos, group and individual work, discussions and question and answer sessions. Participants will be encouraged but are not required to bring along their own laptop/iPad (if they have one) in order to work “live” under the assistance and supervision of the trainer.

What do I need to bring?

Course materials will be provided. Though you are encouraged to bring along your own laptop in order to participate in the practical exercises in this workshop. 

Morning break, lunch and refreshments will also be provided.

More Information

For more information on this event and your Local Enterprise Office, click here.