

A look back at the first 9 months of Government

Watch's highlights of the first nine months of the Fine Gael-Labour coalition Government...

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EU 2013 - Choosing Ireland's logo is currently hosting the poll to select Ireland's EU Presidency logo. Ireland will hold the Presidency of the EU for the first six...

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Spotlight on the Global Irish Economic Forum

The Global Irish Economic Forum 2011 took place on the 7th and 8th of October in Dublin Castle. Invited participants included members of the Global Irish Network...

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Spotlight on the Irish Food Sector - Export growth

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food reported that in the January to May period this year, food exports had grown by 13%, with estimated growth of €600 million for the second consecutive year....


National Day of Commemoration

The National Day of Commemoration to honour all those Irishmen and Irishwomen who died in past wars or on service with the United Nations was held on Sunday July 10th. For the first time this year as well as...


Promoting Ireland Abroad

On the 1st and 2nd of June The Department of Foreign Affairs organised a Conference of the Heads of Irish Diplomatic Missions abroad. The theme of this Ambassadors' Conference was "Promoting Ireland Abroad"...
