Older People

Minister Donnelly has today, Tuesday 9 February, secured Government approval to expand access to medical cards, making them available to all those who are terminally ill and have a prognosis of up to 24 months...

The Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Helen McEntee T.D, has welcomed the launch of the guide : Know Your Rights: A Guide for Older People...

The Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy 2014 - 2019 is an initiative designed to create a capital city where older people are valued and respected. It seeks to improve the quality of lives of people over the age of 55...

The Minister for Older People, Kathleen Lynch TD, today (Tuesday, 6 May 2014) welcomed the publication of HIQA’s first ever Overview Report on its regulatory programme...

I am grateful for the opportunity to address this house today and want to thank the Senators for proposing this motion. Since Special Olympics Ireland was set up in 1978, the work it has done in promoting sport and...

I thank the Senator for raising this matter on the adjournment. I am speaking on behalf of the Minister for Justice and Equality, who regrets that he is unable to be present due to other business. The Minister shares your concern...

The Government welcomes the report from the National Economic and Social Council Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Residential Care for Older People. It sees this study as a very useful insight into the effectiveness of the reforms that have...

Housing & Planning Minister Jan O'Sullivan today announced a capital provision of €67.75m for grants to improve or adapt the private homes of...

Ms. Jan O’Sullivan T.D., Minister for Housing and Planning, today 24 February 2012 announced a capital provision of €67.75m for grants to...

The Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2011 was published today (2nd June, 2011). The Bill is available to view on www.oireachtas.ie. The Bill provides for a number of changes to the social welfare code in the pensions area...

