Pre-vote contingency planning has been developed into deeper analysis, across all key issues and sectors. This work involves:
- Six overarching Government workstreams, with supporting workgroups, analysing the major national priority issues for economic, political and social impacts.
- Departmental own internal analysis identifying major risks and mitigation measures for their sectors.
- Identification of possible opportunities that may arise from the UK leaving the EU.
As part of this work, a series of research analyses have been commissioned. All publicly available reports can be found below.
Post referendum reports
Ireland and the negotiations on the UK's withdrawal from the European Union: The Government's Approach - Irish Government
Brexit: Ireland's Priorities - Irish Government
All-Island Civic Dialogue: A Compendium - Irish Government
All-Island Civic Dialogue: Report of the Second Plenary - Irish Government
All-Island Civic Dialogue: Summary report of the sectoral events - Irish Government
All-Island Civic Dialogue: Report of the First Plenary - Irish Government
Bord Bia's Brexit Barometer: Industry Findings, June 2017 - Bord Bia
Transport Trends - An Overview of Ireland's Transport Sector, June 2017 - Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
Potential impact of WTO Tariffs on cross-border Trade - InterTradeIreland
Brexit Maritime Transport Workshop Report - Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
Potential impacts of Brexit on tourism to the island of Ireland in 2017 and beyond - Tourism Ireland
UK EU Exit - An Exposure Analysis of Sectors of the Irish Economy - Department of Finance (published 9 March 2017)
Brexit - Presentation: Trade Exposures of Sectors of the Irish Economy in a European Context - Department of Finance (update published 8 June 2017)
Quarterly Economic Observer Winter 2016 - Nevin Economic Research Institute
The Product and Sector Level Impact of a Hard Brexit across the EU - ESRI
Modelling the Medium to Long Term Potential Macroeconomic Impact of Brexit on Ireland - ESRI/Department of Finance
Getting Ireland Brexit ready - Infographic from Budget 2017 - Department of Finance
Getting Ireland Brexit Ready – Department of Finance
The Common Travel Area and the special status of Irish nationals in UK law, House of Commons Library Briefing Paper Number 7661, 15 July 2016
Brexit: what happens next?, House of Commons Library Briefing Paper Number 7632, 24 June 2016
Irish Government Contingency summary grid, Friday 24 June
Pre referendum reports
Houses of the Oireachtas
'UK/EU Future Relationship: Implications for Ireland', Joint Committee on European Union Affairs, June 2015
An Analysis of Existing Statistics on Student Flows Between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in Higher Education and Further Education - Department of Employment and Learning, UK, Department of Education and Skills
Economic impacts
‘Brexit: potential economic consequences if the UK exits the EU’ - Bertelsmann Stiftung
‘Analysing the case for EU membership: How does the economic evidence stack up’ - The City UK
The case against Brexit - Congress
‘Scoping the Possible Economic Implications of Brexit on Ireland’ - ESRI
‘Brexit: What are the pressure points on Ireland?’ - Euler Hermes
‘The UK Referendum on EU Membership: The impact of a possible Brexit on Irish business ’ - IBEC
‘Should We Stay or Should We Go? The economic consequences of leaving the EU’ - London School of Economics
'The Economic Consequences of a Brexit: A Taxing Decision' - OECD
‘Assessing the implications for business of a Brexit scenario ’ - Oxford Economics
‘Leaving the UK: Implications for the UK Economy’ - PwC CBI
Northern Ireland
‘The Consequences for the Northern Ireland Economy from a United Kingdom exit from the European Union’ - Northern Ireland Assembly/Open University
‘EU Debate NI: To Remain or Leave? Northern Ireland and the EU Referendum’ - Queens University/Centre for Democracy & Peace
Agrifood sector
‘A Study of Cross-Border Flows within the Agri-Food Sector: A Snapshot of Four Border Counties’ - Centre for Cross Border Studies
‘Brexit: Potential Implications for the Irish Agri-Food Sector ’ - Teagasc/Department of Agriculture Food & Marine
‘Implications of British exit from the EU for the Irish agri-food sector’ - Trinity College Dublin/Alan Matthews
Other policy areas
‘Brexit: Breaking up is never easy, or cheap’ - Credit Suisse
‘Briefing: Impact of “Brexit” on Financial Services’ - FTI Consulting
‘Exiting the EU: impact in key UK policy areas’ - House of Commons
‘Brexit: Issue II – A Legal Perspective’ - McCann Fitzgerald
Alternative scenarios & leaving mechanics
‘What if...? The Consequences, challenges & opportunities facing Britain outside EU’ - Open Europe
‘Alternatives to membership: possible models for the United Kingdom outside the European Union’ - UK Government (Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs)
‘The Process for withdrawing from the European Union’ - UK Government (Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs)
Updated on 14 June 2017