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40 new jobs in voice and language company - Bruton

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton has announced that Nuance Communications, Inc., a leading provider of voice and language solutions for global business and consumers, is opening its international headquarters in Dublin.

This development expands Nuance’s long history and significant presence in the region, and will create more than 40 positions in sales, finance, management and human resources.

Nuance provides advanced voice technology solutions for a wide range of companies and customers across mobile, healthcare and call centre industries.

Making today’s announcement, Minister Bruton said,

A major part of the Government’s plan for jobs and growth is targeting growth sectors where Ireland has particular strengths and seeking to build clusters of companies in those areas. In recent years ICT has been a major success story, and the challenge now is to leverage the major international companies which have operations here to attract further investment. The announcement today that Nuance is locating its international headquarters in Ireland is great news.

Minister Bruton held a meeting with senior executives in Nuance while on a trade and investment mission to the USA in April 2012.