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80 new cloud computing jobs in Galway - Bruton

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced the creation of 80 new jobs in Galway by cloud computing company The Government through Enterprise Ireland is working with Sourcedogg towards supporting the company through the next stage of development.

The 80 high tech jobs are across the areas of Engineering, IT Support and Professional Services. The jobs announcement follows fast on the recent addition of 12 staff in late 2011 at the company following an investment from Nucleus Venture Partners.

Making the announcement today, Minister Bruton said:

If we are to reach the levels of employment and economic growth which we are determined to achieve, we must create a powerful engine of indigenous enterprise. Crucial in this will be exporting companies, and in particular high-tech, engineering-driven companies, and the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs spells out a range of measures we will take to support these companies as they expand and create jobs.

I am delighted to announce the creation of 80 jobs in this dynamic company. I am determined that, with the proper supports from Government, companies like SourceDogg can drive the sustainable, enterprise-led, job-creating recovery we so badly need.

Read the full press release here.