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Healthcare company to create 100 jobs in Galway - Bruton

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today announced that Alere, a leading global healthcare company headquartered in Massachusetts, US is establishing its International Business Service Centre in Galway and creating 100 jobs over four years with the support of Government through IDA Ireland.

Alere develops and manufactures products that provide diagnostics and health management solutions. The company is a global leader in rapid diagnostics for cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, toxicology, oncology and women's health. The Galway-based international business service centre will oversee its commercial operations outside of the US. The jobs being created encompass a range of activities that include Customer and Technical Support, Finance, Legal, Vendor & Logistics Management, Contract Manufacturing Management, Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs.

Making today’s announcement Minister Bruton said...

Today’s announcement by this leading global healthcare company that they are locating their international business centre in Ireland, servicing all of their business outside the US, shows that many of our traditional strengths are still intact. If we are to get out of the crisis we are in, we must build relentlessly on these strengths – including our high-quality workforce, our low corporation tax and other pro-business policies, and our established base of high quality international companies.