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Over 93% of measures delivered under second Action Plan for Jobs - Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Minister Bruton

72 out of 77 measures scheduled in the Action Plan for Jobs to be delivered in the second quarter of 2012 have been implemented, the Taoiseach, the Tánaiste and Jobs Minister announced today.

Today’s announcement took place at Arann Healthcare, an innovative Irish start-up healthcare company based in the Guinness Enterprise Centre, and one of six companies selected to take part in the demonstrator project of the Healthcare Innovation Hub (HIH) aimed at encouraging collaboration between companies and the health sector

Some of the measures delivered include:

  • Establishment of a demonstrator project for a new Healthcare innovation Hub to drive collaboration between the health sector and industry, and the selection of six companies to participate and be fast-tracked through the system for trialling and testing with a view to accelerating commercial outcomes
  • Passing the Credit Guarantee Bill, as part of the measures necessary to deliver the €450million credit guarantee scheme
  • Passing the Microenterprise Loan Fund Bill as part of measures necessary to deliver the €90million microenterprise loan fund
  • Two visa programmes are operational for entrepreneurs from outside the EU – Immigrant Investor Programme, Start-Up Entrepreneur Programme
  • Announcement of new structures and rules to make it easier for businesses to commercialise ideas emerging from State-funded research, including the establishment of a “one-stop-shop” technology transfer office

The Taoiseach said:

“The Action Plan for Jobs is central to our efforts in tackling unemployment, and I promised to ensure that Government would work hard to deliver on its ambition. The Q1 commitments are 100% complete and are yielding results. The Q2 commitments are over 93% complete and I expect they will be fully delivered in the coming weeks. We welcome the progress made but refuse to get complacent, as job creation remains at the top of our agenda”.

The Tánaiste said:

“I have always made it clear that job creation is the first priority of the Government. This Progress Report again shows a high level of implementation of the measures contained in the Action Plan for Jobs.  Together with strategies such as the stimulus plan that we launched this week, the Government is determined to drive ahead with its job creation agenda”.  

Minister Bruton said:

“When we as a Government launched the Action Plan for Jobs earlier this year, we stated very clearly that there was no ‘big bang’ solution to the jobs crisis, and that what was needed was determined, step-by-step implementation of our plan to rebuild the economy and create jobs. Today’s announcement shows that implementation remains strong. We are making solid progress and have already put in a number of measures which will make a practical difference in making it easier for businesses to grow and create jobs.  

Minister Bruton spoke to at the launch of the progress report earlier today:

The complete Progress Report can be found here:

Read the press release in full here

Read the Taoiseach's speech in full here