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Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny T.D., at the sod turning event at Amgen


Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues,

I am delighted to be here today with Tánaiste Eamonn Gilmore at the official announcement of Amgen’s expansion here in Dun Laoghaire.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to Fabrizio Bonanni and Martin Van Trieste, senior members of the global Amgen team, who both travelled from the US to take part in this groundbreaking ceremony.

I welcome too the Cathaoirleach of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Councillor John Bailey.

I would like to thank and congratulate Eleanor Garvey and Michael Byrne on today’s wonderful event and announcement.

Ireland Supporting Amgen & Life Sciences

Today’s announcement comes at a very important time for Ireland.

The Government is just over a year into its Programme to rebuild Ireland by developing a more competitive, flexible and dynamic economy.

One of the specific areas we have focused much attention on is the area of biotechnology and life sciences.

A sector where Ireland continues to have an excellent record which is evidenced by the presence of nine of the top ten global pharmaceutical companies in Ireland.

Today’s announcement by Amgen for a $200 million expansion programme here in Dun Laoghaire reaffirms Amgen’s confidence in Ireland and our workforce.

I particularly welcome the considerable R&D investment that will see the Dun Laoghaire facility undergo a major technology enhancement as we continue to develop Ireland as R&D hotbed for the pharmaceutical industry.

As the people of Dun Laoghaire are aware this announcement comes barely a year after Amgen’s purchase of this facility from Pfizer which resulted in all 280 jobs at the site being safeguarded.

Today’s welcome news will result in the creation of up to 100 new roles within Amgen in addition to the 350 construction jobs during the 19-month building period.

In today’s tough jobs environment it cannot be overemphasised how welcome these new jobs are for the Dun Laoghaire and for Ireland. It will make a big difference in many people’s lives.

Ireland continues to welcome Amgen as the world’s largest biotech company. The investment here will transform the plant into one of the leading biotechnology manufacturing sites in the world and demonstrates the strategic importance of Amgen’s Irish operations.

This all contributes to the Government’s central mission to make Ireland the best small country in the world to do business in by 2016.

As a small open economy we will continue to strive for a better business environment that will continue to attract foreign direct investment as well as grow indigenous industry.

We have many core strengths such as a stable and transparent corporation tax regime.

As Amgen know we have a highly educated, flexible and passionate workforce.

And we have R&D assistance which makes Ireland a destination of choice for people serious about developing, manufacturing and delivering tomorrow’s medicines today.

Action Plan for Jobs

But we strive to make Ireland even more attractive to new business.

The Government welcomes this exciting expansion by Amgen as we continue to target the development of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry through our Action Plan for Jobs.

The Action Plan sets out a range of actions designed to improve the business environment and to get people back to work.

It recognises the major role played by the life sciences sector in Ireland and is committed to building on this success.

The Action Plan for Job envisages a step change in supporting innovation in the sector. This includes, for example, the design and establishment of new research centres in the areas of Pharmaceutical Production, Medical Devices and Connected Health.

This building of innovation capacity will further enhance Ireland’s reputation as a top location for pharma and biotech firms.

Amgen’s decision is a significant vote of confidence in Ireland and reflects our returning international reputation. It is essential that we maintain and cement this reputation.

European Stability Treaty

The best thing that Ireland can do to further improve our international reputation and ensure that we continue to win new investment and jobs, such as today’s announcement, is to vote YES for the Stability Treaty next month.

All businesses, especially mobile international companies, value stability when deciding where to invest next.

Passing the Stability Treaty will send out a message to the whole world that Ireland is open for business and that we have put the worst of our economic difficulties behind us.

The Government with the cooperation of the Irish people have made serious strides in sorting out our public finances and our banks.

However, while we need to bring stability to our own national finances, we also need to bring stability to the wider Eurozone.

As a small, open, exporting economy we need a stable Eurozone that can deliver greater investment, jobs and growth in the Irish economy.

Speaking to business leaders who are creating jobs for our people, they recognise the benefits of a strong YES vote and are voicing the importance of passing this referendum.

The Treaty offers everyone in Ireland the opportunity to play their part in securing Ireland’s future by voting YES.


I hope that in the years to come that there will be many more good news stories such as this.

I wish Amgen every success in developing their programme and assure the company of my Government’s ongoing support.

Working with industry we can get Ireland back to work.