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Minister Fitzgerald sets out priorities for the year ahead

  • Publication of the Children’s First Bill
  • Complete development of National Child Detention Facilities
  • A new National Policy Framework for Children and Young People
  • Ireland’s first ever Early Years Strategy and policy on ‘Family Support'
  • To enhance the preservation, management and access to adoption records
  • To support the work of the recently-established Child and Family Agency
  • To amend the Child Care Act 1991 in respect of Aftercare

Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, has today contributed to the special Dail debate on Government priorities for 2014.

The Minister’s speech is presented below.

I welcome this opportunity to discuss the priorities that I, as Minister

for Children and Youth Affairs, wish to see realised over the coming


Since the establishment of a dedicated Department of Children and Youth

Affairs it has been my privilege and honour to drive forward a range of

Government commitments as they relate to children and families.

We are in the midst of an ambitious reform agenda, and our aim for children

and families is to fundamentally change how services are delivered to them.

To integrate those services.

To allow those services to respond earlier.

To allow for joined-up thinking and a degree of independence not previously

afforded in the context of service delivery.

To date, as Minister for Children & Youth Affairs I have delivered on key

Programme for Government commitments, including:

· Holding the Children’s Referendum;

· Establishing the dedicated new Child & Family Agency;

· Securing funding for; and commencing works on new National Child

Detention Facilities; to take all 16 and 17 years olds from St.

Patrick’s Institution;

· Maintaining the free pre-school year;

· Improving quality standards in early years and childcare services;

· Introducing the new Area Based Childhood programme;

· Completing a review of implementation of the Youth Homelessness


I wish this morning to outline my main priorities for 2014, including in

relation to delivery of outstanding Programme for Government commitments;

and continuation of the implementation of the commitments I just referred


My Priorities for 2014 include:

· To publish the Children First Bill;

· To complete the development of National Child Detention Facilities;

· To support the work of the recently-established Child and Family


· To amend the Child Care Act 1991 in respect of Aftercare;

· To launch the National Policy Framework for Children and Young


· To launch Ireland’s first ever Early Years Strategy and policy on

‘Family Support and Parenting’;

· To continue quality improvements in early years and childcare

services and to review existing targeted childcare supports;

· To enhance the preservation, management and access to adoption


Children First Bill

My Department is currently finalising the Children First Bill, which will

place elements of the Children First National Guidance on a statutory

basis, in line with the Programme for Government commitment to fully

implement the recommendations of the Ryan Report. The Bill is included in

the legislative programme for the Spring/Summer session, and I expect to

submit it to Government in the coming weeks.

It is intended that the Bill will impose a duty on certain specific

individuals to report child protection concerns to the Child and Family

Agency, and it will improve child protection arrangements in organisations

providing services to children.

An Inter-Departmental Group has been established involving key Government

Departments, An Garda Síochána and the Child and Family Agency to promote

the importance of Children First compliance across Government and to ensure

consistency of approach. In July 2013 the Government approved the

publication by relevant Departments of their Children First Sectoral

Implementation Plans.

Children (Amendment) Bill/National Children’s Detention Facilities

The objective of ending the detention of children in adult prison

facilities has been recognised by successive administrations since at least

the 1980s. Since my appointment as Minister, I have prioritised the

achievement of this goal.

Since May 2012, 16 year old boys are no longer being sent to the adult

prison system and those being remanded and/or committed by the Courts are

now being sent to Oberstown.

In addition, in 2012, I was pleased to announce that Government had

provided capital funding of over €50 million for the development of an

integrated National Children Detention Facility. Construction of the new

facilities at Oberstown commenced last September. The first 3 residential

units, intended to provide for the transfer of responsibility for 17 year

old boys from the adult prison system to Oberstown, will be completed this


A care staff recruitment programme has been sanctioned by Government and my

officials are working with the Public Appointments Service, so that new

staff will be deployed for orientation and training on a staged basis

during 2014.

A new specialist Assessment, Consultation and Therapy Service (ACTS) now

operates on the Oberstown campus and mental health screening of all young

people coming into detention, either on remand or on committal, now takes

place within the first 24 hours.

I am also pursuing a programme of reforms aimed at enhancing the effective

management and capacity on the Oberstown Campus. In the latter part of

2013, a campus-wide Manager was appointed for the first time, reporting to

the Board of Management. I intend later in the year to present to the

Oireachtas a Bill to amend certain provisions of the Children Act 2001

which will provide for the merging of the 3 existing Children Detention

Schools into a single legal entity, and which will also address a number of

legal and policy issues associated with managing all children under the age

of 18 on that site.

Child and Family Agency

Just over a month ago in Dublin Castle, an Taoiseach and I launched Tusla,

Ireland’s first-ever Child & Family Agency.

The establishment of the Agency delivers on a key Programme for Government

commitment and represents one of the largest and most important public

sector reforms being undertaken by this Government bringing together over

4,000 staff and a budget of some €609 million to provide a dedicated focus

on services for children & families, including, particularly, for the over

6,400 children in the care of the state.

We have moved from a position where child and family welfare was barely a

priority, to a position where it is now the sole focus of a single

dedicated state agency. For the first time we have child and family social

workers, family support workers, social care workers and education welfare

officers all working together to protect children and support families.

The Child and Family Agency Act 2013 provides for a detailed process of

accountability and performance management. In this context I am mindful of

the important role that the Minister has to play. As a priority in late

December I issued a detailed letter of determination and performance

statement to the Agency so as to ensure that the process of agreeing and

finalising a business plan for 2014 would happen in good time,

notwithstanding the Agency itself was only formally established on the 1st

of January of this year. I am pleased to advise that I have in the last

few days approved the 2014 plan.

Priorities for 2014 include:

· Recruiting additional social workers, in line with the additional

budget allocations in Budget 2014;

· Rolling-out new models for caseload & information management;

· Commencing a three year plan to double number of special care places;

· Delivering greater efficiencies and savings in legal cost; and

· Introducing 24-hour access social work services.

Aftercare - Proposed amendment to the Child Care Act 1991.

I wish to advise the house that last week the government approved the heads

of the ‘Aftercare Bill 2014’ and have been referred the Heads to the

Oireacthas Committee on Health and Children for consideration. I understand

the Committee will consider the matter on 11 March.

The proposals will amend Section 45 of the Child Care Act 1991 to impose a

statutory duty on the Child and Family Agency to undertake advance planning

in respect of the needs of children who are due to leave its care on

reaching the age of 18 years. The proposals will formalise good practice

and ensure the continuation of improved arrangements for aftercare which

have been introduced under the Child and Family Agency’s National Aftercare

Policy and Procedures.

It is my intention to make the transition to aftercare as seamless as

possible at a time when young people can be particularly vulnerable.

Launch of the National Children and Young Peoples’ Policy Framework

This Government’s commitment to children and young people is in our

collective economic and social interests. At a time when other Western

countries are experiencing reducing birth rates, Ireland’s population of

children and young people is growing. The Government’s Medium-Term

‘Strategy for Growth’ rightly recognises that “ensuring the best possible

outcomes for this group is therefore an important element in our future

economic planning.”

Later this month I will ask Government to approve the new ‘National Policy

Framework for Children and Young People 2014 - 2020’.

This is the first overarching National Policy Framework spanning children

and young people from birth to age 24 years. It sets out the Government’s

objectives for improving children’s and young people’s lives over the

period 2014 to 2020, and how we intend to achieve these objectives.

Essentially, this Framework will, for the first time establish a shared set

of outcomes for children and young people and identify a range of

commitments in place across Government and progress these based on a

structured, systematic and outcomes focused approach. In order to ensure

the effective implementation of the Framework, my Department will establish

a robust infrastructure to guide and support its delivery.

In addition to the National Policy Framework, it is my intention in 2014 to

publish Ireland’s first National Early Years Strategy, building on the

Report of Expert Advisory Group on this Strategy, which I published late

last year.

My Department is also working on a new high-level ‘Parenting & Family

Support Policy’ to be published in 2014; to take key learning from Irish &

international research and to guide the work of Child & Family Agency and

future programme design and management of grant funding.

Early Years/Childcare

I accept that major challenges remain in ensuring quality standards of care

in all early years/childcare settings. This is the result of a legacy of

under-investment in quality and training supports; and an effective absence

of regulation and enforcement. However I am satisfied that there has been

significant progress with respect to the implementation of my 8-point Early

Years/Childcare Quality Agenda. Priorities for 2014 in this area include:

o recruitment of more new inspectors;

o establishment of a landmark new National Quality Support Service;

o publication of new National Quality Standards;

o commencement of higher qualification requirements for staff;

o roll-out of a new training support programme.

In addition, as I announced recently in this House, my Department is to

conduct a review of existing targeted childcare schemes (i.e. CCS & CETS)

to consider how best to structure future childcare support, to both support

working families and to incentivise labour market activation, which could

be expanded to more families as resources allow.

Adoption Records

I appreciate the concerns which continue to be expressed in the relation

access to adoption records. I am committed to implementing a range of

measures, both legislative and administrative,) including:

o To further developing and reorganising adoption services under the

Child and Family Agency; to better facilitate access to records where

they exist;

o To enhance the promotion of the Adoption Contact Preference Register;


o To complete work on Heads of the Adoption (Information and Tracing)

Bill, with a view to providing the most comprehensive approach

possible to providing access to information for adopted persons,

incl. a strengthened underpinning for the future maintenance of

records. Where draft are agreed by Government, these will be referred

to the Joint Oireachtas Committee for detailed consideration


In conclusion, I welcome the opportunity to update the House on my plans

for the year ahead. I want to build on the momentum achieved and to deliver

on our commitments on time and within budget. There are significant

challenges, but I am committed to rising to these challenges and delivering

valued improvements to services for children and families.

Thank you.