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Hogan publishes Electoral Amendment Bill

Environment Minister Phil Hogan today published the Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2011.

Key points in the bill include:

  • changes in the terms of reference of the Constituency Commission which will  reduce the number of TDs.
  • reduction in the spending limit for a Presidential election from €1.3million to €750,000
  • the introduction of a six month time limit on the holding of bye elections to fill Dáil vacancies

Speaking today the Minister said..

The Electoral Amendment Bill, which I have published today, provides for a change in the terms of reference of the Constituency Commission. The Commission will be required to recommend Dáil constituencies based on a number of TDs not less than 152 and not more than 160. The precise number will be a matter for the Constituency Commission to recommend in its report.

Today’s publication of the preliminary census results triggers the establishment of a Constituency Commission to review Dáil and European Parliament Constituencies. I will now set in train the establishment process by writing to the  Chief Justice requesting the nomination of a Judge to Chair the Commission. The Commission will report within three months of publication of the final census results which are due in April 2012.

Minister Hogan spoke to the media in a doorstep that can be viewed below...