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Taoiseach speaks at White House St Patrick's Day reception

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Taoiseach Enda Kenny was at the White House today for a St Patrick's Day reception hosted by President Obama. 

The reception was part of the Taoiseach's traditional St. Patrick's Day programme of political engagements. The Taoiseach presented the President with the traditional bowl of shamrock. 

Speaking at the event, the Taoiseach highlighted the importance of the centenary of the 1916 Rising this year, "a pivotal event in our history which ultimately led to Irish independence."

He said: 

Throughout this year, Irish people and our friends throughout the world will be reflecting, commemorating and celebrating – not just the events of 1916, but on the journey we have made as a country over the past 100 years and on what we want from our shared future.

This year will see thousands of events commemorating the 1916 rising in Ireland and throughout the world. Here in the United States, there are about 200 individual events taking place across almost every state. The highlight will be a major three week festival beginning on May 17 at the Kennedy Center.

The celebrations here in the US are fitting, because of the profound influence of the United States on Ireland’s journey, and on the outlook of the Irish people.

Without the support of this great country it is unlikely that we would have achieved the goal which Irish men and women had struggled for centuries to achieve – for Ireland to take “its place among the nations of the earth".

The Taoiseach also drew attention to the role of the United States in the peace process in Northern Ireland: 

In more recent times, the influence of the United States has been critical in bringing peace to Northern Ireland. I want to thank you Mr President and your Administration for your support as well as Senator Gary Hart for his ongoing efforts.

I also want to emphasise the particular debt we will always owe to Senator George Mitchell for his extraordinary role in the achievement of the Good Friday Agreement. I cannot think of a more appropriate figure to be Grand Marshall of the New York St Patrick’s Day Parade this year.

As we look towards the future, Ireland’s partnership with the United States will continue to be central to our endeavours as a nation.

In conclusion, the Taoiseach quoted the 1916 Proclamation of the Republic, in which "the United States is the only country specifically mentioned".

...the signatories recognised the support of our “exiled children in America”, a reference to the many millions of our diaspora in this country who supported the cause of Irish freedom for generations.

It is my very great pleasure to present this year’s Shamrock bowl to you Mr President, inscribed with those famous words from the 1916 Proclamation.

Read the full speech here. 

Read next: Taoiseach meets President Obama : a breakdown of the Taoiseach's programme in the United States this year