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Cetra Language Solutions to establish European Service Centre in Limerick - Bruton

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced that CETRA, the US headquartered language translation company, is establishing its European Service Centre in Limerick with the support of Government through IDA Ireland.

CETRA plans to create 20 jobs in Limerick to better serve their existing European clients and further grow its EMEA client base. CETRA Ireland staff will include management, administration, project managers and sales staff. The company will initially locate in the Limerick Institute of Technology Acceleration Centre. CETRA will begin recruitment for initial positions immediately.

CETRA offers translation, localisation and interpretation services to the market research, legal, and life science industries using a global network of professional linguists.

Making today’s announcement Minister Bruton said:

Today’s announcement is great news for Limerick and for Ireland. This is a high-growth international company which has chosen to locate in Ireland with the creation of jobs due to the graduate output of one of our universities. With the right policies we can replicate this announcement across the country over the coming years. I am determined to achieve the high levels of jobs growth we so badly need, and that is why in January with the Action Plan for Jobs we will start implementing radical reform across the economy to help get people back to work.