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Minister Bruton attends informal EU Council meeting in Denmark

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, is today and tomorrow (Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th April 2012) attending an informal meeting of EU Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs in Horsens, Denmark. Denmark currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council.

The primary topic under discussion at the meeting is youth employment and unemployment, and over the two days a series of presentations, plenary sessions and workshops with other Employment and Social Affairs Ministers from across the EU, as well as the European Social Partners, the European Commission, and various EU Committees with an interest in this area.

Speaking from Denmark the Minister said:

“I look forward to discussing with my counterparts from other European countries, as well as officials from the EU institutions, measures to address the terrible problem of youth unemployment. Through the Action Plan for Jobs 2012 we have already started implementing a raft of measures to help create jobs, but we must now look over the next horizon and start planning for Action Plan for Jobs 2013 and beyond. I look forward to sharing with colleagues from across the EU views and ideas on measures that we can take to create jobs and address the unemployment crisis”.