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Minister Burton announces Martin Murphy, Managing Director, HP Ireland to oversee implementation of the National Internship Scheme

“I am pleased to confirm that Mr. Martin Murphy, Managing Director of HP Ireland, has been appointed as the independent Chair of the Steering Group which has responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the National Internship Scheme”, said the Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton TD, today (Wednesday, 1st June 2011).

The National Internship Scheme will provide up to 5,000 unemployed people with an internship opportunity ranging from six to nine months in the private, public or community and voluntary sectors. During this time participants will receive an allowance, which will consist of a €50 per week top up on their existing social welfare entitlements. The Scheme will commence in July.

Minister Burton explained: “The Government has always said that the majority of sustainable jobs will be created by the private sector and we want to work with business people and entrepreneurs to grow Ireland’s economy and create jobs.

“Mr. Martin Murphy has played a major role in the business of technology and innovation in Ireland for many years and he will be bringing his immense skills to the task of overseeing the implementation of the National Internship Scheme. I am confident that, under Mr. Murphy’s stewardship, this new initiative will be successful in providing jobseekers on the live register with valuable and meaningful work experience.”

Martin Murphy said: “The National Internship Programme is a fundamental part of the Government's jobs creation initiative, and this is an opportunity to both instigate real change and make a difference to people’s lives.

I believe that private sector companies can play a pivotal role in equipping individuals with new and enterprising skills that will give them the necessary experience to enter or return to the workforce.

I am honoured to have been asked to bring my experience to this role, and believe that with the support of large and small business throughout Ireland, that we can exceed the objectives that we have set for the programme.”

Ms. Norah Casey, CEO of Harmonia Publishing and one of the Dragon’s Den team and Mr. Sean O’Driscoll, Chief Executive of Glen Dimplex have also agreed to bring their experience and expertise to the Steering Group, which met for the first time yesterday.

Minister Burton concluded: “The National Internship Scheme will assist in breaking the cycle where jobseekers are unable to get a job without experience or experience without a job. Aside from helping young people take their first step in their careers, I firmly believe that one of the other key benefits of the scheme is that it will enable individuals to get their foot in the door with a potential prospective employer.”