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“Succeed in Ireland” initiative targets new FDI job opportunities and aims to create 5000 jobs

Ireland is open for business, as Government targets a world of new opportunities for employment creation by connecting with global companies who would not otherwise be reached

The Taoiseach, the Tanaiste, and Jobs Minister Richard Bruton, today launched the “Succeed in Ireland” initiative, which aims to create 5000 jobs within five years by targeting international companies and business people, who would otherwise not be reached by the State enterprise agencies, for employment opportunities to Ireland.

Today’s launch represents delivery of a key Q1 commitment in the Action Plan for Jobs 2012, and also represents a concrete example of the Government’s commitment to make Ireland the best small country in the world in which to do business.

The initiative will provide direct financial incentives to people around the world to create employment in Ireland by making payments to people responsible for bringing sustainable jobs to Ireland. Small and medium sized companies around the world considering expansion, but who would not be large enough to be reached by the State enterprise agencies, will be targeted in particular by the new initiative.

Launching Succeed in Ireland, Taoiseach Enda Kenny, TD, said,

’The top priority of this Government is to get Ireland back to work and the Action Plan for Jobs was published recently to address this problem.  The Succeed in Ireland initiative, as part of the Action Plan for Jobs, will incentivise people around the world, including our diaspora, to be our eyes and ears on the global stage and help deliver new jobs and investment.’

The Tanaiste said:

‘I look forward to seeing the aims of the Succeed in Ireland initiative realised and an increase in the number of foreign SMEs investing in Ireland to create sustainable jobs.  This is part of the Government's drive to build on the resource that is Ireland's diaspora.’

Minister Bruton said:

“If we are to create the levels of employment we need, we must not only rebuild our economy and create sustainable growth, but we must also find innovative new ways of bringing large numbers of new jobs projects to Ireland. The IDA does excellent work in securing employment in Ireland from their target companies – but they can’t target every company in the world that might consider expanding and locating operations in Ireland. Ireland is open for business, Ireland is hungry for investment and job opportunities, and Succeed in Ireland will ensure that we can communicate this across the world”.

Jobs Minister Richrd Bruton spoke to at the launch earlier:

Read the full press release here

Read the Taoiseach's speech in full here