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Minister Quinn announces the establishment of a Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector

The Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Ruairi Quinn TD, today announced the establishment of a Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector.

Announcing the establishment of the Forum, Minister Quinn said “it will take a multi-dimensional approach involving consultations with the key education stakeholders, including parents”.

The Minister indicated that a formal launch of the Forum will take place before Easter.

The terms of reference of the Forum are to advise the Minister on:

1. how it can best be ensured that the education system can provide a sufficiently diverse number and range of primary schools catering for all religions and none;

2. the practicalities of how transfer/divesting of patronage should operate for individual primary schools in communities where it is appropriate and necessary;

3. how such transfer/divesting can be advanced to ensure that demands for diversity of patronage (including from an Irish language perspective) can be identified and met on a widespread basis nationally.

In undertaking this work the Forum will, in particular, have regard for the following:

The expressed willingness of the Roman Catholic Church to consider divesting patronage of primary schools.

The current financial constraints within which the State is operating, the need for continued restraint into the future and the requirement in this context to make maximum use of existing school infrastructure in catering for future demands.

The Minister announced that he has appointed an Advisory Group to convene the Forum, to receive and distil the various views and perspectives of participants and to then provide him with policy advice having regard to the Terms of Reference. The Advisory Group will conduct a number of meetings in public and will seek submissions from the public as part of its work.

The Advisory Group is to be chaired by Dr. John Coolahan, Professor Emeritus at NUI Maynooth.

The other members of the Advisory Group are Dr. Caroline Hussey, former Registrar and Deputy President, UCD and Fionnuala Kilfeather, former Chief Executive of the National Parents Council - Primary.

The list of bodies which will be invited to participate in the Forum is attached.

Minister Quinn concluded that “the Forum for Patronage and Pluralism in the primary sector is a key education objective of the Programme for a National Government 2011-2016. It will provide a platform for what I believe is an essential debate within the education agenda”.

List of Bodies which will be invited to participate in the Forum

An Foras Pátrúnachta

Catholic Primary Schools Management Association

Church of Ireland Board of Education

Association of Trustees of Catholic Schools

Educate Together

Gaelscoileanna Teoranta

Irish Catholic Bishops Conference

Irish National Teachers Organisation

Irish Primary Principals’ Network

Irish Vocational Education Association

Islamic Foundation of Ireland

National Association of Boards of Management in Special Education

National Parents Council – Primary