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Taoiseach meets with Prime Minister Cameron

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today met with British Prime Minister David Cameron in 10 Downing Street.

The Taoiseach discussed a range of matters of mutual interest between Ireland and Britain.

Speaking earlier the Taoiseach said...

We met at recent European Council meetings but this afternoon’s agenda will focus primarily on the unique bilateral relationship between Britain and Ireland. It is a relationship that has been transformed in my lifetime. It is one of mutual respect, trust and opportunity. It is one of friendship and support, including financial support in these more difficult times.

As Taoiseach and leader of the Irish people, it is a friendship that I value, that I prioritise and that I intend to develop. This friendship has been achieved through decades of working together towards the goal of peace in Northern Ireland. As we speak, the election campaign is underway for the Northern Ireland Assembly. That Assembly has just completed the first full term of power-sharing government ever, after decades – indeed centuries – of division

In the morning the Taoiseach spoke at a Bloomberg hosted event.

The full speech can be read here.

The Taoiseach also did an interview for Bloomberg TV which can be viewed here.