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Minister of State McEntee impressed by Medite Innovation

Commenting on a visit to the Medite Europe plant in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Minister of State Shane McEntee TD, stated that he was impressed with the company’s innovation in developing new MDF Products, adding that Medite

"is a real example of what can be achieved with consistent commitment to anticipating and meeting market requirements."

Medite Europe, a wholly owned subsidiary of Coillte, manufactures a range of Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) products at its plant and forms part of the Coillte Panel Products (CPP) Division. The Minister of State, who has responsibility for forestry, visited the plant to view at firsthand the processes involved and the range of products manufactured by the company. He noted that "an integral element of the company’s approach was its commitment to innovation, both through the development of new products and improvement of the processes involved."

Minister of State McEntee stated that he was delighted to have the opportunity to visit the plant and highlighted its importance to the forestry sector. "Coillte Panel Products plants like Medite provide a secure, viable outlet for sawmill residues and pulpwood providing significant revenue for forest growers." He also noted the environmental benefits of the enterprise, pointing out that "the manufacture of panel products by CPP embeds c. 1.3m tonnes of CO2 per annum in sustainable building products."

The Minister of State was taken on a tour of the plant during which he met the staff and was briefed on Medite’s extensive innovation portfolio.