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Creed Holds High Level Talks In Morocco


Agriculture Minister Michael Creed today led a delegation of Irish agri-food exporters on the first day of a trade mission to North Africa with events in the Moroccan capital, Rabat.

Speaking from Rabat, Minister Creed said:

While there is existing and growing trade in Irish products here, we know that the potential is there for this to significantly grow. This trade mission is an example of my ongoing focus on the diversification of markets for our Irish agri-food exports, particularly in response to Brexit.

The Minister also met with the Director General of ONSSA which is the Moroccan body responsible for food safety. The meeting was an opportunity to engage with ONSSA on areas of mutual interest given the imperative which both countries place on the production of food of the highest safety standards. The Minister also took the opportunity to acknowledge the cooperation of ONSSA in concluding recent negotiations in expanding the Irish products allowed access to Morocco and discussed outstanding Irish applications which it is hoped to progress. The Minister also took the opportunity in the meeting to formally commence Ireland’s application for sheepmeat to the Moroccan market.

Later tonight, the Minister will host a trade reception in the evening to further highlight the offering which Irish agri-food industry can bring to Morocco. This reception will be attended by approximately 100 guests including many local businessmen and food industry representatives thus providing the visiting Irish commercial participants with an excellent networking opportunity for local contacts. 

Rad the full press release here.