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Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Mr. Andrew Doyle, TD, met today with the Mr. Phil Meaney, Chairman of Bord na gCon, and its CEO, Ms. Geraldine Larkin.

Minister Doyle has responsibility for the development of the greyhound racing sector, which has been estimated to generate up to 10,000 direct and indirect jobs, many of them in the rural economy.

Speaking after the meeting, the Minister said, “The greyhound industry is an important driver of economic activity and employment in both rural and urban Ireland. Developing the sector to its potential is a key priority for me. I am confident that the Board of Bord na gCon shares that objective.

Today’s meeting was a very constructive engagement and provided a useful opportunity outline key priorities, including putting the sector on a sound financial footing, and building a reputation for good governance, strong regulation and high standards of animal welfare.

The Indecon Report already provides a good road map. My Department will be closely monitoring progress on its implementation, and is at present preparing the heads of a Bill to implement aspects of the report, including those in relation to governance and regulation. I look forward to working closely with the Board to develop this very important sector to its maximum potential.”