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Doyle opens Teagasc ‘Talking Timber’ Event in Thurles, Co. Tipperary

Mr. Andrew Doyle, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for forestry, opened Teagasc’s Talking Timber event in Tipperary today. The event is one of two Talking Timber days organised by the Forestry Development Department of Teagasc, the first event taking place last week in Ballyhaise, Co. Cavan.

Noting the State’s investment in forestry over the last few decades, Minister Doyle pointed out that “much of the resulting forest resource is now coming into production and, if properly managed, can make a huge contribution to the local economies of rural communities throughout Ireland. It is appropriate therefore that we invest in the development of the skills and technical support necessary to ensure that we utilize that resource fully and sustainably.”

Minister Doyle mentioned a number of initiatives in this area by his Department, including the establishment of Knowledge Transfer Groups for forest owners. Announcing that a second group in Co. Clare has been approved by his Department he said that this group “together with the Donegal Woodland Owners Society, brings the number of forest owners participating in this initiative to 150. Following a successful pilot phase for knowledge transfer groups, I hope to see more such Groups being approved in 2018.”

In closing, Minister Doyle thanked all involved, particularly the staff of Teagasc’s Forestry Development Department, for organising the Talking Timber events, as well as the various state bodies, individuals and industry representatives that have contributed or participated.