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Greyhound Industry Bill - draft scheme published

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine today brought legislation to government to improve governance and tighten regulation in the greyhound racing sector. The Minister was accompanied at Cabinet by his colleague Minister of State Andrew Doyle, who has special responsibility for the Greyhound sector.

Speaking after Cabinet Minister Creed said, ‘I am satisfied that this Bill will provide a solid framework for improved governance and regulation in the greyhound sector, and address issues raised in a number of reports on the sector. Subject to a number of minor technical adjustments to the text, my Department will publish the draft scheme on its website to allow stakeholders with an interest in the sector to feed into the pre-legislative process.‘

The draft Bill addresses governance issues in Bord na gCon (BNG), strengthens regulatory controls in the industry, modernises sanctions, improves integrity and includes the welfare of greyhounds as one of the statutory functions of Bord na gCon. In addition, it provides BNG with powers to make regulations in relation to substances that may be used or given to a greyhound, prohibiting the use of certain substances and to setting thresholds in relation to others. It reflects recommendations for legislative change made in the Indecon Report, the Greyhound Report of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine and in the Morris Review of Anti-Doping and Medication.

Minister Doyle added ‘it is my firm belief that the future of the greyhound industry is dependent on a strong governance platform, the industry having the highest standards of integrity founded on strong regulatory systems and robust animal welfare controls. The provision of a strong legal framework will support the development of the greyhound racing sector in Ireland and ultimately provide a platform to improve its contribution to the economy and employment.