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Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine Simon Coveney TD this evening concluded his weeklong trade mission to West Africa. Commenting on the trip the Minister said 'with a population of over 200million, these markets provide a huge opportunity for Irish business sectors particularly in the areas of agri-food, technology, education and financial services’.

The Minister concluded his visit in Ghana, celebrating ‘National Farmers Day’ with the National Vice President and the Regional Agriculture Minister for Greater Accra. The Minister stated “I had the unique opportunity of celebrating ‘National Farmers Day’ in Ghana. The theme of this year’s event is aptly named ‘Transform Ghana: Invest in Agriculture’”.

Minister Coveney also met with key political figures in Ghana and Nigeria, including his counterparts in both countries, and has issued invitations to them to visit Ireland next year.

Of the over 40 companies that travelled, a significant number of companies concluded contracts this week with a value of over €50m. A number of key partnerships and business relationships were strengthen during the Trade Mission, which should prove vital for future business opportunities.

In Nigeria, the Minister opened a new packaging and distribution centre for Ornua which will provide a gateway for developing business in West Africa. Ornua already have sales of €130m in 2014 and this facility provides a new route to very potentially lucrative markets. The Minister also launched a new product for another iconic Irish brand Guinness called Guinness ‘Africa Special’. Guinness Nigeria PLC imports Flavour Extract manufactured in St. James’ Gate Dublin, valued at around €60 million per annum.

Congratulating the agencies involved in organising the Trade Mission the Minister said 'this trade mission was a good example of multi agency cooperation between Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and the Irish embassy in Nigeria to strengthen our trading interests in emerging markets and use our resources to maximum economic benefit'.

Also during his visit the Minister undertook a number of development related engagements including visiting the UN Humanitarian Response Dispatch Depot with the World Food Program*. Commenting on the work being done here the Minister said 'Ireland is a long term partner of the WFP in the areas of nutrition and agriculture. It has been very worthwhile to meet those involved in running these programs while here.'

In conclusion, the Minister said the Trade Mission has been hugely successful and opened many new opportunities in an exciting and growing market.

Note to Editors

* WFP - is World’s largest humanitarian organisation and currently serves approximately 80m beneficiaries in 75 countries across the world. It is a key strategic partner in Ireland's efforts to tackle worked hunger.