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The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D. today announced that the original 30th June deadline for registration of farmer participants in Knowledge Transfer Groups will be extended until 14th July.

Minister Creed commented “the extension of the deadline until 14 July will allow advisors and farmers further time to finalise arrangements for their Knowledge Transfer Groups. These Groups will be important support farmers in addressing a range of competitiveness and sustainability challenges facing the sector.”

Knowledge Transfer is included under the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 and will involve the formation and administration of knowledge transfer groups across a range of sectors. Funding of €100m is allocated under the RDP for Knowledge Transfer Groups across the dairy, beef, equine, sheep, tillage and poultry sectors.

Minister Creed added “I would urge farmers and advisors to finalise their Groups at an early date. In addition to helping farmers pursue best practice and protect farmers’ incomes, Knowledge Transfer Groups have also been seen to provide a range of social benefits for farmers.”
Approved facilitators can submit participant details of Knowledge Transfer Groups for approval at
Terms and Conditions, Frequently Asked Questions document and application forms for the Scheme are now available at:
Knowledge Transfer Groups will be delivered to farmers by qualified facilitators, with the first Groups already approved to hold meetings.

Notes to Editors
The measure is co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Scheme requirements
While farmers will be required to attend 5 Knowledge Transfer meetings in each of the 3 years of the Groups, a central element of the design of the Groups is the requirement for farmers to complete an individualised Farm Improvement Plan (FIP) in conjunction with the Group facilitator.

In response to stakeholder feedback a number of modifications have been made to the scheme design. Firstly, it is open for a farmer to arrange for an approved nominee to attend in his/her place should the need arise. Secondly, it is open for farmers to attend two Groups in different sectors – for example, one beef Group and one sheep Group. Given the overlap between the content of the Groups across sectors, such dual participation will attract a 50% payment rate for both the facilitator and the farmer in respect of the second Group joined.
Group Size
Each KT Group generally consist of between 12 and18 members.
Scheme Payments
Each participating farmer will receive an annual payment of €750 in respect of successful completion of each year of a Knowledge Transfer Group. Each facilitator will receive an annual payment of €500 per participating farmer who successfully completes each year of a Knowledge Transfer Group.
A reduced rate of 50% applies in each case in respect of participation in a second group.