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Minister Creed Urges Extra Vigilance As Storm Ophelia Approaches The Country

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Michael Creed T.D. this evening urged farmers, fishermen and people in rural areas to be extra vigilant and take precautions as Storm Ophelia approaches the Country. The Minister was speaking after the Committee on Emergency Planning meeting this morning at which his Department was represented. Commenting the Minister said

"I urge farmers and all people in rural areas to ensure that they are ready for the approaching storm and ask them to follow closely the advice of the authorities particularly for those in the worst affected Counties. Priority is obviously the safety of people and I would reiterate the advice that only essential travel should be taken. For farmers they should ensure that their yards are secured by securing loose objects".

The Minister also reminded landowners of the dangers of fallen trees in particular the impact this can have on electric wires. The assessment of damage in such circumstances should only be carried by appropriately trained professionals from the electricity companies. Shed doors should be securely fastened and older slat roofs sheds avoided. If you have to check on livestock, bring a family member or neighbour and in more exposed and remote areas, wait until the storm abates.

For other animal welfare issues connected with severe weather please keep in touch with your Teagasc adviser or contact the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Animal Welfare Helpline on:

  •  Call Save: 0761 064408
  •  Phone: 01 6072379

The Minister also asked people to check on elderly neighbours in rural areas and importantly avoid any risks. Fishermen should take particular care as the force of the storm will be felt most along the western coastline.

Concluding the Minister said

"My Department will continue to input to the Committee on Emergency Planning which is due to meet again in the morning. In the meantime officials from my Department and its Agencies will be on the ground monitoring closely the impacts of the storm around the Country and I will be receiving updates as it progresses".