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Annual Commemoration of Daniel O'Connell to take place this Sunday

The annual Commemoration of Daniel O’ Connell “The Liberator” 1775-1847 will take place on Sunday 15th May 2016 at 12.30pm at the O’ Connell Tower Circle in Glasnevin Cemetery.

The Lord Mayor of Dublin’s representative Cllr Paul Mc Auliffe and Pat Mc Carthy, Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council  will officiate along with members of the O’ Connell family and representatives of the O’ Connell Schools.

Daniel O’ Connell, former Lord Mayor of Dublin and Member of Parliament was his ages' foremost constitutional parliamentarian, his non-violent, peaceful mobilisation of the Irish people into the democratic process resulted in the achievement of catholic emancipation. O’ Connell's democratic, peaceful methods were the template followed throughout the world for democratic, peaceful change. Not only was he the Liberator of his fellow Irish Catholics, but was a leading figure in the development of democracy throughout Europe and further afield.

In 1823 O’Connell made his first public pronouncement, one of many, on the need for a cemetery for peoples of all religions and none. His vision for this cemetery mirrors his vision for this country.

“ Our first wish has ever been to reconcile our countrymen of all denominations. We wish to live on terms of amity and affection with our brother Protestant fellow-countrymen. We earnestly desire to be united with them in our lives, and not to be separated from them in death”.

This Commemoration  marks the 169th Anniversary of O’Connell’s death in Genoa in 1847. Whilst on his final pilgrimage to Rome his final wish was “My body to Ireland, my heart to Rome, my soul to heaven”.

O’Connell's body reposes in the crypt under the O’ Connell Round Tower at Glasnevin Cemetery.

O’Connell's heart was removed after his death and sent to the Irish College in Rome.

Restoration works continue on the O’ Connell Tower, and the re-installation of the destroyed staircase will commence this week.

The Cemetery is open to the public from 10.00am to 5.00pm seven days a week.

The commemoration is preceded by 10.00am mass in St. Andrews Church, Westland Row, a Church which O’ Connell was particularly associated.

Following the Commemoration, the annual O’ Connell lecture will be delivered  by Professor Paula Murphy of the School of Art History and Cultural Policy at University College Dublin on John Henry Foley’s monument to Daniel O’Connell.