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Kerry Local Enterprise Office is open for business

16th May 2014, Jimmy Deenihan, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht today officially launched the Kerry Local Enterprise Office (LEO).

The Kerry LEO is part of a network of 31 LEOs which will deliver an improved system of local enterprise supports to start-ups and small businesses across the country – with more staff, more funding, and more services being provided.

Start-ups create two-thirds of all new jobs across the economy. From today, people thinking of starting or expanding a business in every part of Kerry will be able to access the full range of State supports provided by different Government bodies – for example Kerry County Council, Enterprise Ireland, Revenue, the Department of Social Protection, the Credit Review Office, training bodies – in one easily accessible location within the local authority.

Speaking ahead of the event Minister Deenihan said:

“The Kerry Local Enterprise Office will deliver more and better services to start-ups and small businesses across the county that we rely on to create the jobs we need – with more staff and more funding. The LEOs are about promoting entrepreneurship and self-help, they will be the first-stop-shop for those beginning a new business as well as those wishing to expand their existing one. This is a good day for Kerry”

The establishment of the LEOs will mean that all categories of business – including sole traders, micro businesses and small and medium sized companies – will have access to Government supports and advice. Previously some businesses – for example, companies who were too large to access County Enterprise Board supports, but were not exporting and therefore did not qualify for Enterprise Ireland supports – fell through the cracks between different agencies.