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Minister Deenihan takes part in Flag Raising Ceremony and Peace Proms to mark start of Ireland 2016 Programme

Minister for the Diaspora, Jimmy Deenihan TD, will today (Friday 1 January) join Government colleagues at the flag raising ceremony in Dublin Castle to mark the start of the 2016 State Ceremonial Programme. The Ceremony will be attended by the President Michael D. Higgins, Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, Tánaiste Joan Burton TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys TD and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD.

Minister Deenihan said:

“All those involved in the Ireland 2016 programme have worked hard to ensure that it reaches out to our citizens, friends and diaspora around the world. Events will take place across the globe during the course of the year and I would like to invite and encourage our diaspora to get involved in these events.

“It is also important to acknowledge that many members of the Irish diaspora from across the globe will travel to Ireland in 2016 specifically to participate in the commemorations here at home. As Minister for the Diaspora I particularly welcome the extended Irish community from around the world to come and take part in the Ireland 2016 programme here in Ireland.”

During the ceremony three flags which were flown on O'Connell Street during the Rising will be raised: the Irish Citizens Army Flag which was flown from the Imperial Hotel on O'Connell Street; the Irish Republican Flag and the National Flag which were both flown from the GPO. Minister Deenihan will also join ministerial colleagues at the Ireland 2016 Peace Proms, hosted by the Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys, later this evening (Friday 1 January).

The special concert in the Convention Centre, Dublin will celebrate the beginning of the 1916 centenary. NOTES FOR EDITORS: * For details of the Ireland 2016 programme of events, please see<> * For details of the Ireland 2016 Global and Diaspora programme of events please the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website here<>