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Minister Humphreys publishes draft Framework Policy for Culture 2025/Éire Ildánach

The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys TD, has today (Wednesday) published the draft Framework Policy for Éire Ildánach/Culture 2025, our first ever national cultural policy.

The draft policy will now be submitted to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Arts for its input and consideration. Publication of Culture 2025 was identified as a priority in the Programme for a Partnership Government.

Minister Humphreys has also announced that she intends to hold an Annual Cultural Consultation Day, similar to the successful cultural workshop which was held in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham last year as part of the Culture 2025 consultation process.

Under 7 key pillars, the Framework Policy document sets out a series of priority measures for implementation across Government and public bodies, including:
· Examining the systems and structures that support arts and culture;
· Increasing citizen participation in the arts;
· Progressively increasing funding to arts and culture as the economy improves, in line with the commitment in the Programme for a Partnership Government;
· Consideration of how to encourage non-Governmental funding support;
· Examining existing systems to ensure that more people can follow a sustainable career path in the cultural and heritage sectors;
· Improving collaboration within the cultural sector and between the cultural sector and wider civil society;
· Building on support for Irish culture on the world stage,
· Consideration of how cultural exchange can help build and maintain strong connections on the island of Ireland and between Britain and Ireland.

Speaking today Minister Humphreys said:
“Our culture adds immense value to our lives and to our communities, and Culture 2025 is underpinned by the belief that everyone has the right to participate in the cultural life of the nation. This Framework Policy is the result of widespread consultation with the cultural sector since we first launched the Discussion Document on Culture 2025 last summer. The document has evolved and become more concise and focussed through that process.

“Through this Framework Policy, our aim is to nurture creativity, boost citizen participation, help more people follow a sustainable career in the cultural sector and promote Ireland’s cultural wealth. Crucially, I want to put culture at the heart of government policy and develop a much more collaborative approach across all sectors.

“Culture 2025 sets out priorities to enrich all our lives through cultural engagement and encourage ambition, risk and innovation in the creative sectors. It also recognises the cultural contribution of the voluntary sector and acknowledges the need to develop more flexible and robust funding mechanisms.

“The Programme for a Partnership Government includes a commitment to progressively increase funding to the arts as our economic situation continues to improve. This is reflected in the Framework Policy, but it is important to state that Culture 2025 is not a shopping list, nor should it be.

“This document is the result of a lot of discussions with key stakeholders in the cultural sector, as well as a series of public consultations which were held last Autumn. Now I am seeking the input of my colleagues in the Oireachtas, through the Joint Committee on Arts. My Department will be developing an implementation plan over the next six months, to immediately put into action the priorities outlined in this document.

“I also want to keep the conversation going. I think it is important that those involved in the cultural sector have access to the Minister for Arts and my Department, and for that reason I intend to host an Annual Cultural Consultation Day, the first one to be held later this year. This will follow a similar model to the cultural workshop which we held in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham last year, which allowed for very positive engagement and interaction.”

Notes to Editor:

You can access a copy of the Framework Policy here:

Éire Ildánach/Culture 2025 outlines a number of key values including:
· The intrinsic value of culture
· The value of culture to our lives and our communities
· The right of everyone to participate in the cultural life of the nation
· The importance of the Irish language, our cultural heritage, folklore, games, music and the uniqueness of our Gaeltacht areas
· The value of cultural diversity, informed by the many traditions and social backgrounds now in Ireland
· The value of culture as a means of fostering a more sustainable future for Ireland, including through economic and social policy
· The value of culture in presenting Ireland to the world

The Framework Policy is based around seven core pillars, which form the basis of the approach and emerge from work by the steering group and the broader expert group following feedback from the public consultation process. These core pillars are:

Putting culture at the heart of our lives
Every citizen should have the opportunity to live a rich and creative life, participate in the cultural life of the community and enjoy our cultural heritage.

Fostering Creativity
Supporting creativity in all its forms is essential to ensure that future generations can build on and add to the contribution of past and present generations.

Celebrating our cultural heritage and traditions
Culture and heritage continue to shape us as a people. Ireland’s cultural heritage is inextricably linked to a strong sense of place and the vibrancy of our communities.

Culture and a Vibrant Society
Valuing our culture and facilitating cultural participation is vital if we want to create a vibrant, tolerant and open society.

Collaboration as the New Norm
The Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme serves as a model and inspiration for future collaboration across the cultural sector.

The International Dimension
It is vital for Ireland that its artists, architects, musicians, authors, filmmakers, photographers and other creative talent have the opportunity to work and collaborate on an international basis.

Responding to the digital age
Rapid developments in technology, new methods of communication and the internet have changed the way people create, access and participate in culture. This is particularly true for young people.