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Minister of State Ring launches 2017 CLÁR Programme

€5 million available for disadvantaged rural areas

Minister of State for Regional Economic Development, Michael Ring TD, today (date) announced details of the CLÁR programme for 2017. CLÁR provides funding for small scale capital projects in rural areas that have experienced significant levels of depopulation. The programme, which has a budget of €5 million this year, forms part of the Government’s Action Plan for Rural Development which was launched in January 2017.
Speaking at the launch of the 2017 CLÁR programme, Minister Ring said:
“CLÁR is a very important programme for communities in remote parts of rural Ireland. I am delighted to announce the allocation of €5 million funding for the programme this year and I will be inviting Local Authorities and other groups to submit proposals to my Department for consideration.
Following on the success of the schemes which I launched under the programme last year, I am again making funding available for safety measures near schools and other community facilities, as well as funding for play areas.
I am also extending the scope of the programme this year to provide capital funding for innovative, community based projects that do not qualify for other established schemes.”
The Minister added:
“I am particularly pleased to announce a new initiative under CLÁR to support our voluntary first-response organisations who provide an excellent service in rural areas, very often under very difficult circumstances. This funding will enable them to purchase or upgrade equipment that is fit for purpose in assisting them in their life-saving activities.”
The CLÁR programme is funded by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and will delivered, for the most part, by Local Authorities in consultation with local communities. Proposals will be submitted to the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs for assessment and approval.
Full details of the scheme will be issued to the Local Authorities and other relevant organisations in the coming days.

Notes for Editors
The CLÁR programme (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) is a targeted capital investment programme for rural areas which have experienced significant levels of depopulation. The programme was originally launched in October 2001 but was closed for applications in 2010. The scheme was re-opened by Minister Ring in 2016 to support the development of remote rural areas through small-scale capital projects involving collaboration between Local Authorities and communities. The CLÁR programme funded 651 projects across Ireland in 2016.
Areas targeted under the CLÁR Programme are parts of counties: Carlow, Cavan, Clare, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Kilkenny, Laois, Limerick, Longford, Louth, Mayo, Meath, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary, Waterford, Westmeath, Wicklow and all of County Leitrim. A map of CLÁR areas is provided below.
2017 Measures
The 2017 CLÁR programme will see funding provided under four measures:
Measure 1: Support for Schools/Community Safety Measures
Measure 2: Play Areas
Measure 3: Targeted Community Infrastructure Needs
Measure 4: First Response Support Measure

The scheme is funded by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and delivered, for the most part, by the Local Authorities in consultation with local communities. Proposals will be submitted to the Department for consideration and approval.
Full details of the scheme will be issued to the Local Authorities and other relevant organisations in the coming days.
Action Plan for Rural Development
The Action Plan for Rural Development, Realising Our Rural Potential, was published by the Government in January 2017. The Plan provides a framework for a co-ordinated approach across Government to support the economic and social development of rural Ireland. It contains over 270 actions for delivery over 3 years across 5 Thematic Pillars. The Action Plan is available at