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The Office of Government Procurement, on behalf of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht is undertaking a tender competition for a four-year contract for an air service to the Aran Islands, County Galway.  In order to address inaccuracies that have been broadcast in the public domain, the Department wishes to clarify the following :

  • The subsidy for the provision of an adequate air service to the Aran Islands represents a significant investment for the Department.  The OGP on behalf of the Department has undertaken a tendering process in accordance with Articles 16 and 17 of EU Regulation 1008/2008, for a four-year contract to run from 1 October 2016.
  • In order to comply with the applicable EU Regulation the contract must be advertised at least six months prior to its commencement.
  • Appropriate assistance with this process has been provided by   the Irish Aviation Authority, the Commission for Aviation Regulation and the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.  In addition to this, independent air transport consultants have been retained to advise on the process.
  • Meetings were held with representatives of the islands’ communities prior to the process commencing.
  • Public comment stating that the Request for Tender published, favours one type of aircraft over another is completely inaccurate.  EU Law strictly prohibits the tender specification discriminating in favour of a particular aircraft or service provider. The limitations placed on the type of aircraft tendered are dictated solely by the minimum seating requirement, the ability to carry luggage and the infrastructure at both the island and mainland aerodromes.
  • Public comment stating that the Request for Tender has requested a lesser minimum number of flights than is currently contracted is inaccurate.  There is no change.
  • Public comment stating that the Request for Tender has imposed a limit on the amount of luggage that can be carried is inaccurate.  No such limit is imposed. The Request for Tender includes a requirement for a minimum luggage capacity of 10kg per passenger.
  • An increase of 11.9% in the average fare has been allowed in the Request for Tender as fare growth had fallen considerably behind the rate of inflation. 
  • Specific technical questions relating to the Request for Tender should be directed through the eTenders website.  


The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht is conducting a fair and transparent tendering process for the Aran Islands air service.   It is not the Department’s intention to make any further public comment until the process is complete.