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Thousands celebrate Africa Day in Dublin

Minister for Trade and Development, Joe Costello TD, and Ambassador Anas Khales of the Kingdom of Morocco today welcomed thousands of people to a free family fun day in Farmleigh Estate in Dublin for Ireland’s seventh celebration of Africa Day.

Families and music fans enjoyed a showcase of African music, food and culture, including performances across three stages, drumming and dance performances and a kidzone with face-painting and games.

Africa Day falls on 25 May each year and is celebrated internationally to mark African diversity and success, and the cultural and economic potential of the continent.

Speaking ahead of the opening, Minister Costello said:

“This week’s Africa Day celebrations are a great opportunity for Irish and African communities to celebrate African cultures and traditions and to reflect upon our maturing relationship, which is increasingly focused on politics, democracy and trade.

“The theme for Africa Day 2104 is ‘Partners for Growth’. Building targeted partnerships partnerships with Governments and communities in a range of different countries in Africa is the key to our shared success.”

A full programme of Africa Day events is available at


Press Office

25 May 2014

Note for Editors

Africa Day is supported by Irish Aid, the Government’s programme for overseas development. It is managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Ambassador Khales is the Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps – the longest-serving African ambassador in Dublin.

Africa Day on May 25 is the official day of the African Union and marks African unity. The official theme for 2014 is ‘Partners for Growth’. This year marks the 51st anniversary of the establishment of the African Union.

Irish Aid has been active in supporting and promoting Africa Day since 2008. This year the main focus is on support for community groups, cultural and educational initiatives.

The Africa Day 2014 regional programme of events featured:

Cork: Week-long schedule of events. Launch on Saturday 17, film screenings mid-week, panel discussion ‘Africa, a continent on the move’ on Friday 23 and culminating in Cork’s Africa Day Celebration with a parade, music, dance and children’s activities.

Galway: Launch on Monday 19, film festival, schools’ intergenerational and intercultural projects, parades, music, dance, arts and craft events throughout the city.

Limerick: Week-long schedule of events beginning with a sports day on Saturday 17, schools writing and art competition, African drumming, storytelling arts and crafts workshops, music and dance events throughout the week, a panel discussion ‘Partners for Growth’ on Thursday 22 culminating in a signature concert on the Afternoon of Saturday 24

Waterford: Africa Day activities run from 23 to 27 May and include intercultural education projects, Pan African cultural programme, film screenings, craft and photographic exhibitions, drama, music and dance