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Disability (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2016 - Statement by Finian McGrath TD, Minister of State with Special Responsibility for Disability Issues

A Cheann Comhairle,

I am delighted to present this Bill to the House today, the purpose of

which is to amend a number of pieces of legislation so that Ireland is in a

position to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons

with Disabilities. The members of the House will know that I have long

been a supporter of rights for persons with disabilities and the enactment

of this Bill, which will allow us to ratify the Convention, will strengthen

the position for this section of society even further. I appreciate that

there are many members of the House who are also committed to this issue

and have sought the ratification of the Convention for some time. It has

taken longer than expected to get to this stage and I am disappointed that

we were not in a position to ratify the Convention by the end of 2016 as we

had committed to in the Programme for Partnership Government and as one of

my personal key priorities. This Government remains committed to

ratification of the Convention When enacted this legislation will bring

about changes to a range of legislation which will have a real effect on

the lives of persons with disabilities.

The ratification of the Convention is the first action listed in the soon

to be published, National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017-2020. The

process to get to this point has been complex and drawn out. However, when

we ratify we will be doing so in the knowledge that there is no legislation

on the Irish Statute Books that contradicts the Convention. This is a

critical point. It is essential therefore that the State is in a position

to meet the obligations it assumes under the terms of any international

agreement from the moment of its entry into force for Ireland. For us,

ratification is the end of the preparation and implementation process, not

the beginning. Ratification of a Convention before we have amended

domestic legislation that contradicts it makes no sense and does nothing to

ensure compliance or to actually protect the people for whose benefit the

Convention exists.

The Bill covers a range of legislation covering very different areas of

Irish life. I wish to thank the Attorney General’s Office and the many

other Government Departments who have been involved in the development of

this Bill because it is not limited to just the Departments that I have

responsibility for but has a much wider reach.

Despite the hard work of all involved it was not possible to include all

the Heads as set out in the General Scheme, which was approved by the

previous Government in March of last year. I intend to outline what

remains to be completed shortly.

Whilst the primary aim of the Bill is to remove the statutory barriers to

ratification of the Convention, the opportunity is also being taken to

progress a number of other miscellaneous amendments to equality and

disability legislation.

I will now read into the record the main provisions of the Bill.

Section 1 Provides for an amendment of the Juries Act 1976 to provide that

a person who is deaf shall not be ineligible for jury service by reason

only of his or her requiring the services of a sign language interpreter,

and that the existing prohibition on a person who with a mental illness or

disability and is receiving medical treatment or is resident in a hospital

or similar institution from serving is replaced with a functional capacity


Section 2 Provides for an amendment of Electoral Act 1992 to repeal the

prohibition on a person of ‘unsound mind’ from standing for election to the

Dáil (and thereby also removing the disqualifications for membership of the

Seanad and for election to the European Parliament also).

Section 3 Makes two amendments relevant to the National Disability

Authority legislation. It makes provision for the role of the National

Disability Authority as part of the monitoring mechanism for the Convention

and provides that staff of the Authority become civil servants of the

State. The NDA is the only body within the Justice Vote whose staff are

not civil servants. Aside from the impact this anomaly has on the

management of human resources within the Justice Vote (by limiting the

Department’s flexibility to move staff to fill priority needs), that the

NDA’s staff are public servants means that the Board must meet pension

liabilities as they arise from its annual allocation. This is a serious

burden for a small body with a relatively small financial allocation. Civil

servant of the state status would mean that pension liabilities are met

from the Vote for Superannuation and this was the approach adopted in

relation to the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission when it was

established in November 2014.

Section 4 The UN CRPD provides that reasonable accommodation (i.e.

practical help to ensure that the person with a disability can, for

example, access a service) be provided for people with disabilities in the

areas of employment and provision of services, provided the cost does not

exceed a disproportionate cost. The Supreme Court decided in an Article 26

referral of the Employment Equality Bill 1996 that it would be

unconstitutional to impose such a requirement where the cost exceeds a

nominal cost. The Supreme Court decision hinges on the private property

protection provisions of the Constitution. Clearly, these do not arise in

relation to provision of public services. The Attorney General has advised

that the ‘not exceeding a disproportionate burden’ standard is also

appropriate in the case of commercial bodies whose activities are regulated

for quality of service, viz banks, insurance companies, telecommunications

and transport providers, and credit unions. We are then left with a range

of smaller businesses, such as shops and restaurants. The provision of the

higher standard in the case of the remaining private sector providers can

be considered in the light of developments in relation to EU

anti-discrimination legislation and will need to be subject in the interim

to a reservation.

Section 5 Brings civilian staff of the Garda Síochána back within the terms

of Part 5 of the Disability Act (providing for 3% public sector employment

quota for people with disabilities). This group of civil service staff was

inadvertently removed from the scope of Part 5 by the enactment of the

Garda Síochána Act 2005.

Section 6 Makes two amendments relevant to the Irish Human Rights and

Equality Commission legislation. It provides for the Irish Human Rights and

Equality Commission to act as amicus curiae before the Court of Appeal, as

well as before the High and Supreme Courts as already provided for. It was

not possible – for technical, timing reasons – to include a reference to

the Court of Appeal in the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act

2014, or to insert a cross-reference in the Court of Appeal Act 2014, and

the opportunity is being taken to resolve the anomaly now.

It also creates a statutory basis for IHREC’s role in the monitoring

framework in relation to UN CRPD.

Section 7 Provides for citation and commencement.

I would also like to highlight the Heads that are to be included in the

Bill as Committee Stage amendments, but were not ready in time for

inclusion in the published Bill.

The main head that is outstanding deals with deprivation of liberty. A

draft of text for the deprivation of liberty part of this Bill has been

prepared by the Department of Health, but requires some further work before

it can be submitted to Government. The Department of Health will sponsor a

separate Memorandum for Government on this aspect as soon as the text is at

a sufficiently advanced stage and, it is intended that these provisions

will be brought forward as a Committee Stage amendments. This aspect of

the outstanding work will I suspect take longest to bring to finality.

Clearly, depriving a person of his or her liberty can only be accepted as a

last resort. There needs to be an appropriate balance struck between

protecting individuals who may be a danger or themselves or others, by

ensuring that we can provide social care in suitable settings for

vulnerable individuals, and recognising that citizens are free and should

be free to make decisions for themselves except where the person’s

decision-making capacity is lacking.

The other Heads, on which work is ongoing, concern:

Head 6 This Head proposes to amend section 4 of the Criminal Law (Insanity)

Act 2006 to provide that in the circumstances that existed in G. v District

Judge Murphy, the District Court will have jurisdiction to determine

whether the accused person is fit to be tried.

What is at issue here is to ensure that if a person is deemed to be not fit

to be tried by the District Court and sent on to the Circuit Court – and if

that second Court forms the view that the person is in face fit to be tried

– then the lower limit on penalties available in the District Court should

still apply to that person. That explanation is in layman’s language – I

have a more detailed legal explanatory text if Deputies have any questions.

Head 7 This head provides for the replacement of a number of references in

statute to ‘lunatics’ or ‘persons of unsound mind’ where the reference

makes the person ineligible for membership or cease to be a member of

certain bodies or offices insofar as those amendments may be required for

ratification. This Head has an impact on a number of pieces of


Head 10 Provides for amendments to the Equal Status Acts 2000 - 2015.

Following the enactment of the Gender Recognition Act 2015, it is desirable

to make explicit the prohibition of discrimination against transgender

persons under equality legislation to reflect the significance of the

establishment of a system of legal recognition of the acquired gender of

transgender persons and of intersex persons.

Head 11 Provides for amendments to the Employment Equality Acts 1998 -2015.

Follows Head 10 in making a corresponding amendment to the Employment

Equality Acts.

Head 12 Amends the Employment Equality Acts to encompass prospective

employees, employers, vocational training bodies, professional bodies and

trade unions in the definition of victimisation. At present, the text of

the definition of victimisation refers only to an employer/employee

relationship. This is out of line with EU legislation and the jurisprudence

of the European Court of Justice.

Head 13 Amendment of Taxes Consolidation Act 1997. This amendment was

intended for inclusion in the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act but

for timing reasons it was not possible to include it. The opportunity is

being taken to make the amendment now. The amendment to the Taxes

Consolidation Act will include the categories of decision-making

representatives and attorneys as persons authorised to handle tax matters

on behalf of incapacitated people.

Head 15 Amendment of Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005. This is a new

head which was not included in the General Scheme as approved by Government

in March 2016. The existing legislative provisions in the Social Welfare

Consolidation Act 2005 empowers the Minister for Social Protection to make

regulations to appoint a person to act on behalf of a recipient or

beneficiary of social welfare payments in circumstances where the

recipient/beneficiary is certified by a registered medical practitioner to

be a person who is, or is likely soon to become, unable for the time being

to manage his or her own financial affairs. The Assisted Decision-Making

(Capacity) Act 2015 sets out guiding principles that are intended to

safeguard the autonomy and dignity of the person with impaired capacity and

it is vital that the social protection arena takes full account of those


The Bill will be progressed to enactment at an early date to facilitate

ratification of the UN Convention as soon as possible. The precise timing

of ratification now depends on how long it takes for the Bill to progress

through the enactment process and on issues in relation to commencement of

the Deprivation of Liberty provisions, which will be included in the

Committee Stage amendments, and of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity)

Act 2015. Considerable progress has already been made to overcome the

other legislative barriers to ratification that are not being addressed in

the Disability (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill.

The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 was signed into law on 30

December 2015 and is a comprehensive reform of the law on decision-making

capacity. The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015 completed Committee

Stage in December 2016 and is scheduled to return to the Dáil for Report

Stage on the 1st of February, 2017.  When enacted, the Bill will reform

Section 5 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1993 to facilitate the

full participation in family life of persons with intellectual disabilities

and the full expression of their human rights. Achieving the necessary

balance between those rights and ensuring appropriate protection is


In conclusion, this legislation is good news for not just those who are

directly affected by disability but for all members of society as it seeks

to make it more equal and inclusive. I look forward to engaging further

with Deputies from all sides of the House and ensuring that an effective

Bill is passed and enacted as soon as the outstanding work has been
