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Migrant Integration and Gender Equality Funding Round Launched

Mr. David Stanton, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality with responsibility for Integration, Immigration and Equality, today launched a significant new grant funding round. Funding totalling €13.3 million over four years has been made available for migrant integration and gender equality projects.

Equality of opportunity is a core principle of this Partnership Government. This funding demonstrates commitment to this principle. It will support real actions that advance equality within our communities, and enable vulnerable groups to achieve greater participation and integration.

These projects will provide practical help for immigrants, such as English language classes and workplace training schemes, as well as supporting anti-racism and cultural diversity initiatives.

Women’s equality projects will help women who want to return to the workforce by providing training and development courses. A portion of the funding is set aside for projects to support women entrepreneurs.

Announcing the migrant integration funding, the Minister said:

Almost one in eight of us is non-Irish, and over one third of that group are from outside the European Union.... This increased diversity presents us, as a society, with many opportunities. Opportunities to enrich our culture, to expand our economy, and, more generally, to share ideas and learn from each other. These changes can also present challenges, which must be addressed if we are to avoid exclusion and isolation, and help our communities to achieve and enjoy a balance between diversity and shared understanding. The funding I have announced today will help our communities to meet these challenges.

Announcing the gender equality funding, the Minister said:

There remains a significant gap between male and female employment rates in Ireland, and a still greater gap among its executives and entrepreneurs. The funding I have announced today as Minister with responsibility for equality, will support the further expansion of women’s opportunities to contribute to the Irish economy, not just as employees, but also as entrepreneurs.


Notes for Editors

€4.5 million is being made available over three years under the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. This funding is targeted at initiatives to promote the integration of non-EU migrants and to combat discrimination and racism.

Under the European Social Fund, €3.3 million is being made available over four years for projects that will increase the employability of migrants who may be experiencing barriers to entering the labour market here.

Funding of €4.5 million over three years is being made available under the European Social Fund for initiatives targeted at women who are currently detached from the labour market, but wish to take up paid employment. €1 million is being made available for projects to support women’s entrepreneurship.

All funded projects must contribute to the achievement of the objectives and spending commitments set out in Ireland’s National Plan AMIF (published on and the relevant ESF Activity Implementation Plans (published on

Public, private and voluntary organisations may apply for the funding. All funded activities must be non-profit in nature. Applications can be made by email only on the prescribed application forms which are available at The deadlines for applications are as follows:

European Social Fund – Integration & Employment of Migrants – 12 noon, Thursday 3 November 2016
European Social Fund – Gender Equality – 12 noon, Tuesday 8 November 2016
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund – 12 noon, Thursday 10 November 2016

For more information, contact the EU Funds Unit of the Department of Justice and Equality, .

The Call under AMIF is supported by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020.

The Calls under ESF are part supported by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.