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Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas

The Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill was passed by the Dáil today

following its recent passage by the Seanad. It is one of a range of

additional measures to tackle organised crime announced just a few weeks

ago by the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances


This Bill will provide Criminal Assets Bureau Officers with the power to

seize property which they suspect to be the proceeds of crime and detain it

for 24 hours. The Chief Bureau Officer will be empowered to authorise its

detention for a further 21 days. This period will allow CAB to prepare an

application to the High Court for an interim restraining order and prevent

the disposal or dissipation of the property in the meantime.

The other key focus of the Bill is the threshold value of property which

can be pursued by CAB under the Proceeds of Crime Act 1996. It is to be

reduced from €13,000 to €5,000. The provision is being introduced in

support of the work of the Bureau in targeting the middle value proceeds of

crime held by those involved in organised crime.

Speaking as the Bill was passed Frances Fitzgerald TD, Tánaiste and

Minister for Justice and Equality said, "We are giving the Criminal Assets

Bureau the powers they need to move quickly to seize the proceeds of crime,

and to target the middle value assets that were beyond their reach up to


This legislation is just one part of the Government's comprehensive package

of measures to target organised crime. On 8 June, the Government approved

an additional allocation of €55 million to An Garda Síochána for the

purpose tackling organised crime. These additional monies are made

available based on information from Garda management regarding the level of

funding required to maintain the necessary policing response to the current

situation on an ongoing basis. This will allow for:

• concentrated policing targeting gang related crime;

• the continued intensive and strategic targeting of burglaries and

related crime through ongoing support for Operation Thor; and

• continued support for measures against terrorism.

Underpinning all of these measures is the Government’s intention to

increase Garda numbers to 15,000 by way of recruitment into An Garda

Síochána. A new Armed Support Unit is being established as well as a

Special Crime Task Force. The Taoiseach is also establishing a broader Task

Force to address socio-economic and community development issues in the

North Inner City.

The Tánaiste said, "The Government will do everything in its power to

tackle crime effectively. We are investing resources and new powers in the

Garda Síochána while supporting local communities most affected by crime".