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Tánaiste launches Irish Prison Service Strategic Plan 2016-2018

Prison and Probation Services Annual Reports Published

The Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald TD, today published the Probation Service Annual Report 2015 and the Irish Prison Service Annual Report 2015.She also launched the Irish Prison Service Strategic Plan 2016 – 2018 and new websites for both Services.

Speaking about the new Prison Service Strategy the Minister added, “The Irish Prison Service Strategic Plan 2016 - 2018 sets out the key strategic actions the Service will take over the next three years. This new Plan aims to build on the considerable progress made through the previous Strategic Plan 2012 – 2015.”

Speaking on the publication of the Prison Service Annual Report the Tánaiste said, “I am pleased to note the progress achieved by the Irish Prison Service in the last three years under the previous Strategic Plan. I was particularly delighted that the achievements of the Irish Prison Service and the Probation Service were recognised by the Civil Service Excellence and Innovation Awards for their innovative Community Return Programme. This project led the way in enhancing ex-prisoner resettlement and re-integration after custody. The scheme provides for earned temporary release under which offenders are offered early release in return for supervised Community Service.”

“The Prisons Act 2015 finally delivers on the calls to close St Patrick’s Institution which go back over thirty years. The Act, when fully operational, will repeal statutory provisions that enable the courts to order the detention of offenders under the age of 21 in St Patrick’s Institution and will also delete references to St Patrick’s Institution from the statute book.”

Speaking on the publication of the Probation Service Annual Report 2015, the Tánaiste said, “I note the work being done by the Probation Service to reverse the downward trend in the use of Community Service Orders. The use of prison as a sanction of last resort is a core principal of penal reform and I know the Probation Service has the capacity to take on the supervision and rehabilitation of more offenders.”

“Given the previous finding that 89% of offenders on supervision have substance abuse issues I am pleased to learn from the Annual Report that the Probation Service finalised its Alcohol Awareness Programme and made it available for national delivery in 2015 by Probation staff and partner community based organisations.”
The Tánaiste was also presented with the final Review of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services for Adult Offenders in Prison and in the Community.
Commenting on receipt of the review the Tánaiste remarked,“When I launched the report of the Penal Policy Review group in September 2014 I indicated that a review of the Drug and Alcohol services to offenders would be undertaken. In 2015 the Directors of the Irish Prison Service and the Probation Service commissioned an independent review of alcohol and drug treatment services available to adult offenders in both prison and the community. I am very pleased to-day to be in receipt of this report.”

Note to Editors

The Irish Prison Service Strategic Plan 2016 -2018 and the 2015 Annual Reports for both Services are available to download on the newly launched websites and respectively and

Over the lifetime of the 2016 - 2018 Strategic Plan the Irish Prison Service will build on the progress already made and will continue to build a better environment throughout the Service by developing and progressing four key actions:
1. Staff support;
2. Prisoner support;
3. Victim; and
4. Enhancing organisation capacity.

The Strategic Plan also includes overviews the following:
· Irish Prison Service Communications and Engagement Strategy 2016 – 2018
· Irish Prison Service Psychology Strategy 2016 – 2018
· Irish Prison Service and Education and Training Boards Ireland Joint Education Strategy 2016 – 2018
· Irish Prison Service Capital Strategy 2016 – 2021

Irish Prison Service Annual Report 2015

The Irish Prison Service outlines developments during the year. The report provides an overview of the Service, general information on the prison estate, and reports on the progress achieved on its Three Year Strategic Plan 2012-2015. The report also includes an update on Year 1 of the Joint Probation Service/Irish Prison Service Strategy.

The overall daily average number of prisoners in custody in 2015 was 3,722 compared to 3,915 in 2014. This represents a decrease of 5%. 14,182 persons were sent to prison in 2015 compared to 13,408 in 2014, an increase of 5.8 %.

The new development of National Children Detention Facilities at Oberstown will increase the number of children detention places available on the campus to enable the transfer of responsibility for all children remanded in custody or sentenced to detention from the Irish Prison Service to the children detention schools.

Probation Service Annual Report 2015

The 2015 report outlines how the Probation Service focused its work on the delivery of effective programmes aimed at rehabilitating offenders to achieve and maintain positive change.

Both the Irish Prison Service and the Probation Service Reports for 2015 contain an update on progress in implementing the Joint Irish Prison Service/Probation Service Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 which was published in May, 2013. This joint strategy sets out how these two organisations can co-ordinate with each other to integrate offender management programmes.

Review of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services for Adult Offenders in Prison and in the Community
The purpose of the review was to set out a pathway for the provision of improved alcohol and addiction services for offenders which will facilitate improved outcomes for them. Consultation with HSE as the principal funder for drug and alcohol services was part of the review.
A working group is being established to develop an action plan in relation to the recommendations contained in the report.