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Tánaiste meets with Minister for the Interior of Spain Jorge Fernández Díaz


Tánaiste Frances Fitzgerald, who today met with Spanish Minister for the Interior Jorge Fernández Díaz 

Tánaiste Frances Fitzgerald and the Spanish Minister for the Interior Jorge Fernández Díaz held a bilateral meeting in the margins of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss bilateral cooperation in the field of home affairs and in particular police cooperation against organised crime groups operating in both countries.   

The Ministers discussed the ongoing cooperation between law enforcement authorities and the positive effects of the joint team established to reinforce the combined work against organised crime groups which operate in both jurisdictions.  They also noted the effectiveness of the communication channels which exist between the respective police liaison officers and relevant officials in the two country’s administrations.   

The Ministers committed to reinforce the heretofore excellent bilateral cooperation between Ireland and Spain and ended their meeting by reiterating the importance of cooperation amongst the international communities and between States in targeting organised crime gangs.

The Tánaiste extended her appreciation to her Spanish colleagues for their support and their continuing efforts, especially in connection with the most recent investigations.