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125 jobs to be created in Dublin - Bruton

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton has announced the creation of 125 jobs over the next three years in Dublin with Marketo, one of the fastest growing Silicon Valley cloud computing companies. The initiative is supported by the Government through IDA Ireland.

Recruitment is underway for graduates and experienced staff covering sales, marketing, support, consulting, development and back office positions.

Marketo, which grew sales by over 300% last year, specialises in Revenue Performance Management, which enables marketing and sales teams to collaborate to build predictable revenues. Marketo software was developed to help companies harness the new ways customers buy as a result of the growth of the Internet, Search and Social Media. The company has raised $57m in funding to date.

Announcing the jobs, Minister Bruton said:

A recent report has predicted that by 2014 the cloud computing industry in Ireland could employ 8,600 people and be worth €9.5billion. However government must act if this potential is to become a reality. Earlier this month I announced the establishment of an applied research centre supported by €5million of government funds to help ensure that Ireland can realise its potential and become a world leader in this high growth area.

Today’s announcement that, with the support of government, one of the fastest growing Silicon Valley companies in this sector is creating 125 jobs in Dublin is a great confidence boost for cloud computing in Ireland and for the high tech sectors of the economy generally.’

I am developing ambitious plans to ensure that government continues to provide whatever supports and policy changes are necessary to build on our achievements, so that we can realise our potential in these innovative sectors and create more jobs and growth in the economy again.