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96% of payments made by Government Departments, valued at €638m, paid to suppliers within 15 days

Minister for Business and Employment, Ged Nash T.D., today published the latest set of quarterly composite figures which show that Government Departments and the Agencies under the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation continue to comply with the Government requirement to pay business suppliers within 15 days of receipt of a valid invoice.

Figures released by the Department show that in Quarter 2 of 2014, Government Departments made a total of 43,295 payments amounting to over €665m. Of total payments made, 38,161 payments valued at just over €638m were paid to suppliers within 15 days of receipt of a valid invoice. In value terms this represents 96% of total payments made.

Figures also released in respect of the Agencies under the Department show a total of 15,951 payments were made in Quarter 2 of 2014, amounting to just over €29m; of these, 14,157 payments amounting to €24.7m were paid within 15 days. In value terms, this amounts to 85% of the total payments made by Agencies.

Speaking on the publication of these figures, Minister Nash said, “I am very pleased to see that Government Departments are continuing their efforts to comply with the Government requirement to pay business suppliers within 15 days of receipt of a valid invoice. These continuing high levels of payments clearly demonstrate the Government’s ongoing commitment to be an exemplar in terms prompt payments in Ireland.

“I would now like to see the lead shown by the Government in its dealings with SME suppliers matched by the private sector where undoubtedly there is scope for businesses to improve their payment times. Therefore, I am looking forward to the introduction later this year of the Prompt Payment Portal which is being developed as part of the Prompt Payment Code of Conduct for Business.

Signatories who sign up to this Code, which is being developed by the business representative bodies in Ireland with the support of the Department, will undertake to:

· Pay suppliers on time, within the terms of contract and in accordance with legislation;

· Give clear guidance to suppliers on payment procedure; and

· Encourage good practice by promoting adoption of the Code.

“I am confident this new initiative will complement the existing range of initiatives already in place and reiterate, once again, the Government’s ongoing commitment to address the culture of late payment in Ireland.”

Notes for Editors:

Returns for Quarter 2 of 2014, are available at:

Key Findings of Quarter 2 (April - June) 2014 Returns

(a) Government Departments

These returns are the 20th set of returns by Government Departments.

· A total of 43,295 payments were made in Quarter 2 of 2014 amounting to over €665m.

· Of these, a total of 38,161 payments totalling €638m. were paid within 15 days. In value terms, this equates to 96%% of total payments made within 15 days.

· 42,581 payments totalling €664m. were made within 30 days. In value terms, this equates to 99.7% of total payments made.

· 14 Departments paid between 81% and 100% of invoices by value within 15 days.

· Of these 14 Departments, 8 paid between 91% and 100% of invoices by value within 15 days.

· All 16 Departments paid between 90% and 100% of total number of invoices within 30 days.

· 10 Departments paid 100% of invoices by value within 30 days.

· A further 5 Departments paid between 95% and 99% of invoices by value within 30 days.

(b) Agencies under the auspices of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

These are the 12th set of returns by the 13 Agencies under the auspices of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in accordance with the arrangement of extending the 15 day prompt payment requirement to the wider public service.

• A total of 15,951 payments were made in Quarter 2 of 2014 by the Agencies amounting to just over €29m.

• Of these, 14,157 payments totalling €24.7m. were paid within 15 days. In value terms, 85% of invoices were paid within 15 days.

• 15,838 payments totalling €28.6m. were paid within 30 days. In value terms, this equates to 98% of total invoices paid.

• 8 Agencies paid between 90% and 100% of their invoices by value within 15 days.

• All 13 Agencies paid between 91% and 100% of their total invoices by value within 30 days.

• Of these 13 Agencies, 8 Agencies paid 100% of their total invoices by value within 30 days.

• All Agencies paid between 95% and 100% of their total number of invoices within 30 days.