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30 new jobs at Waterford pharma company - Bruton

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced that Irish pharmaceutical manufacturer EirGen Pharma is to create 30 new jobs in Waterford.

EirGen Pharma is an export-focused, Irish pharmaceutical company that specialises in the development, licensing and manufacture of highly specialised oncology drugs for the global pharmaceutical market.  The jobs are being created to support the increased focus on in-house R&D of a range of oncology products for global markets.

Making the announcement Minister Bruton said:

A central part of the Government’s plan for jobs and growth is creating a powerful engine of indigenous, export-focused companies. Today’s announcement that EirGen, an Irish pharmaceuticals manufacturing company founded by two former employees of a large multinational in the sector, is expanding with the creation of 30 jobs is great news for Waterford and for indigenous industry.

EirGen is a prime example of the successful companies that will help drive our economic recovery.  Through continued implementation of the Action Plan for Jobs, I am determined to ensure that we can see more announcements like this around the country over the coming years.

Read the full press release here.