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95 new jobs in Limerick and Dublin – Bruton

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced the creation of 95 new jobs by two IDA client companies in the software sector. US global software company ACI is expanding its Irish Development Centre in Limerick with the creation of 60 new jobs while Marin Software Incorporated is to establish its International Headquarters in Dublin with the creation of 35 new jobs.

Making the announcements, Minister Bruton said:

ICT is a key part of the Government’s plans for jobs and growth, and in the time since we took office a total of more than 11,000 additional people are at work in this sector. Today’s announcement that ACI Worldwide, a major international player in this sector, is expanding its operations in Limerick with the creation of 60 new jobs is great news for the region and for the sector…

The Minister continued:

The news that Marin Software is establishing its international headquarters in Dublin with the creation of 35 jobs is a further boost for the capital and for the ICT sector in Ireland.