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Bruton welcomes 100 new jobs at Amazon

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today welcomed the announcement by Amazon that it is to create over 100 new technology jobs at its Development Centre in Kilmainham, Dublin. The centre is home to a team of engineers and developers which supports the design and deployment of Amazon websites.

The new jobs will include support engineers, systems engineers, network engineers, software developers and technical managers.

Welcoming the announcement, Minister Bruton said:

Central to the Government’s plans for jobs and growth is ensuring that we deepen and develop the impact of multinational companies here, and we are determined to convince more companies to locate more high-end activities here and create more jobs. Over recent months we have seen a string of top companies decide to locate investments and jobs here.

Today’s announcement that Amazon is creating over 100 high end engineering and software development jobs at its Development Centre is great news for Dublin and for Ireland. It shows what is possible in a stable Irish economy, and we as a Government are determined to ensure that the strong flow of jobs we have seen in recent months from top multinational companies can continue, and we can create the jobs and growth we need.

Commenting on the announcement, Barry O’Leary, CEO of IDA Ireland said,

Amazon set up its Development Centre in Ireland in 2005 and now has hundreds employed at the Development Centre. The decision by Amazon to expand the technology centre illustrates Ireland’s ability to attract high-calibre Foreign Direct Investment and represents a key endorsement by one of the world’s leading companies.

Watch Minister Bruton's doorstep following the jobs announcement today...