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Enterprise Ireland 2013 report a "testament to hard work of business people and workers" - Bruton

Minister Bruton with Julie Sinnamon, Chief Executive of Enterprise Ireland

Minister Bruton with Julie Sinnamon, Chief Executive of Enterprise Ireland

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today welcomed the news that Enterprise Ireland supported companies created 18,033 new jobs in 2013.

The results were published in the organisation's end of year statement for 2013, and showed a net increase of 5,442 in the number of people employed by Enterprise Ireland supported companies, the highest net gain for Irish companies in the last decade. Indicators suggest that this was primarily due to the strong export performance of Enterprise Ireland client companies.

Minister Bruton said:

Today’s results showing that employment in Irish exporting companies has grown by over 5,400 during 2013 is brilliant news and is a great testament to the hard work and ingenuity of our business-people and workers. Huge credit is owed to all at Enterprise Ireland for delivering these results. This is the second year in a row that employment in Irish exporting companies has shown significant growth, after several years in which jobs were shed. These results – the latest in a line of positive indicators for the Irish economy – give confidence for the future. I am determined to continue implementing our plan so that we can build on this momentum and get people back to work.

Read the full press release here.