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Government publishes plan to fill 44,500 jobs in ICT sector over years to 2018

Government, Education and Industry working together to make Ireland the

most attractive location in the world for ICT talent

Ministers Quinn and Bruton launch the ICT Skills Action Plan

The Government today (Friday) published its plan to fill 44,500 jobs for

ICT professionals over the years to 2018.

An extra 1,250 ICT undergraduate places will be made available annually

from 2014, as part of the Government’s drive to increase the level of

highly skilled professionals domestically, aimed at ensuring that three

quarters of job openings can be filled from the Irish education system by


There will also be a total of up to 2,000 work permits issued per year to

ICT professionals with relevant skills in order to meet the demands of the

industry, and there will be an increased focus on recent Irish emigrants

and EEA nationals.

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton T.D. and

Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D published the ICT

Skills Action Plan 2014 at Trilogy Technologies, a growing Irish ICT

company based in Dublin with a workforce of approximately 50 people.

Under the Plan, it is aimed to meet 74% of industry demands domestically

for ICT professionals by 2018 – up from 45% in 2011 and 60% now. In order

to meet this target, Minister Quinn announced a series of reforms aimed at

dramatically increasing the availability of graduates:

· Provide an additional 1,250 undergraduate ICT places per year in

higher education institutions

· Increase the retention rate of students on ICT related courses

· Launch a further round of ICT Skills Conversion courses

· Promote careers in ICT to primary and second level students with

industry support

· Roll-out courses in Digital media literacy, programming and coding in

the new Junior Cycle Student Awards.

Minister Bruton outlined further reforms aimed at ensuring that there is a

strong ICT talent pool and promoting Ireland as a centre for high-level ICT


· Promote STEM and ICT careers through SFI Discover Smart Futures and

training of 450+ volunteers to give career talks in schools

· Develop a web portal to attract international talent with in demand

skills to Ireland

· Organise career fairs abroad with the participation of companies who

have vacancies

· Facilitate the issuing of up to 2,000 employment permits per year to

experienced ICT professionals with skills in high demand

· Increase efficiency in the employment permits process and introduce

new legislation to enhance the application process.

Minister Quinn said, “As part of the Government’s drive to make Ireland the

most attractive location globally for ICT Skills it is essential that we

have a good pipeline of highly skilled graduates to meet the demands of


“I am delighted the hard work of Government, State Agencies and Industry

through the first ICT Action Plan is paying off. When we launched the Plan

in 2012, only 45% of the ICT skills demand was being met domestically from

higher education programmes. This year the education system is expected to

meet 60% of demand. But, we need to be more ambitious and that is why we

have set a target of meeting almost three quarters of industry demands here

at home by 2018.”

Minister Bruton said: “The ICT sector is a key part of the Government’s

Action Plan for Jobs, and over the past two years we have seen significant

jobs growth in this area. If we are to sustain and build on this, it is

crucial that we deal with one of the biggest issues facing the ICT industry

worldwide – skills shortages. We have set out the ambition of making

Ireland the most attractive location in the world for ICT skills, and we

are delivering on that through a combination of Irish educated people and

talent from abroad. Through major changes, reforms already delivered and

the new plan announced today, we can ensure that we continue to foster the

growth of Irish companies and attract multinational companies in this area,

and ultimately help deliver the jobs in Ireland that we so badly need”.


For more information contact:

DES, Deirdre Grant, Tel: 01 889 2417 or 086 0484 279.

DJEI, Conor Quinn, Tel: 087-3743783.

A link to the ICT Skills Action Plan report can be found at:


Today’s plan sets out additional actions and targets to build on the

significant progress already delivered through the 2012 Plan and the

Disruptive Reform on ICT skills in Action Plan for Jobs 2013.

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs predicts that there will be a total

of 44,500 job openings in the ICT sector over the period to 2018.

The first ICT Action Plan was published in 2012 and significant progress

was delivered as part of the Disruptive Reforms contained in the 2013

Action Plan for Jobs but has been updated to take account of the

significant progress that has already been made in meeting the targets set

out, including:

- Doubling of NFQ level 8 graduates is now expected to be achieved by

2015, three years ahead of schedule

- 58% increase in the number of students sitting higher level maths

- 2,000 graduates on ICT reskilling or conversion courses at NFQ Level

8 and 9

The Action Plan has been developed as a collaboration between the two

Government Departments, State Agencies and industry stakeholders and was

informed by research and analysis from the Expert Group on Future Skills

Needs. It has three strategic priorities:

1. Increase output of high-level graduates

2. Enhance ICT capacity and awareness in the education system

3. Ensure Ireland maintains a strong ICT talent pool and promote Ireland

as a centre for high-level ICT Skills