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JobsPlus, €175million Seed and Venture Capital Scheme and Local Enterprise Offices among measures delivered during Q2 2013 under Action Plan for Jobs – Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Minister for Jobs

160 out of 180 Q2 measures delivered – Action Plan for Jobs Sixth Quarterly Progress Report

The JobsPlus scheme to provide direct cash incentives to employers to hire the long-term unemployed, a new €175million Seed and Venture Capital Scheme and the beginning of the roll-out of the new Local Enterprise Offices to support start-ups and micro-businesses were among 160 measures to support job-creation delivered in the past three months under the Action Plan for Jobs 2013.

The Taoiseach, the Tánaiste and the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation today published the sixth progress report of the Action Plan for Jobs, showing that 160 out of 180 measures committed for delivery in Q2 2013 have been implemented, a rate of 89%. A commitment to publish quarterly progress reports is part of the system of ensuring strong implementation of jobs-support measures across Government through the Action Plan for Jobs.

Today’s report is the sixth quarterly progress report since the Action Plan for Jobs system was instituted in early 2012.

Among the measures delivered are:

· JobsPlus, the scheme to provide regular cash payments to employers to offset wage costs where they employ people who have been on the Live Register for over 12 months

· A new €175million Seed and Venture Capital Scheme, aimed at leveraging private sector funds to provide a total of €700million in funding to high-growth Irish companies with the potential to grow employment, as well as mentoring and networks

· Beginning to roll-out 31 Local Enterprise Offices across the country, a network of first-stop shops to deliver world-class services to start-ups and micro-businesses in every county in the country

· Recruited additional reviewers for the Credit Review Office, as part of measures to improve credit supply for small business

· Launched a National Step Change Initiative for manufacturing businesses, as part of the Government’s plan to supply 20,000 additional jobs in this sector

· Commenced support for 22 exemplar energy efficiency projects to deliver over €7million in annual energy savings and support 500 jobs

· Established an Entrepreneurship Forum, chaired by Sean O’Sullivan, to drive government policy in supporting more start-ups

Official employment figures published by the CSO recently show that the private sector has been adding an average of more than 2,000 jobs per month since the Government published and commenced implementing the Action Plan for Jobs in early 2012. During the three years 2008-2010 an average of 7,000 jobs per month were being lost in the private sector. The figures also show that:

· The unemployment rate has dropped from 14.1% to 13.7% - the first time since 2010 it has gone below 14%

· The numbers of people unemployed has dropped below 300,000 for the first time since 2010

· The long-term unemployment rate has fallen from 9.5% to 8.4% in the past year

The Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD said: “Getting Ireland back to work remains the Government’s number one priority and the Action Plan for Jobs is the key driver of work across Government to make the changes needed to support investment and jobs. While there are 2,000 jobs a month being created in the private sector we must do more to break down the barriers to entrepreneurship and job creation. The disruptive reforms which are part of the Action Plan are progressing successfully and I’d like to thank our industry partners for their assistance in implementing these actions. Any targets missed during the past quarter will be prioritised for urgent implementation by Government."

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD said:

“We are starting to see real progress with our plan to rebuild the economy after 250,000 jobs were lost during the last three years of the previous Government due to the collapse of their economic model based on property, banking and debt. We know that many people have yet to feel the effects of this progress and that many people are really struggling.

“Since the Action Plan for Jobs was first put in place an average of 2,000 jobs per month are being created in the private sector. Irish and multinational exporting companies had record years in 2012, and recent figures show that this strong performance is continuing in 2013, with major announcements by companies like Glanbia, eBay and Symantec.

“Today’s announcement shows that the progress is continuing. Jobs will remain our top priority, and we will continue to implement the changes necessary to rebuild the economy. We will continue to deliver on our plan and accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy based on exports, innovation and enterprise that can provide the jobs that we so badly need”.


This is the second report of 2013 from the Monitoring Committee established by Government to monitor and drive implementation of the measures contained in the Action Plan for Jobs 2013. It outlines progress made on measures due for completion in the second quarter of 2013. In addition, it provides an update on what activity has taken place over the year to date on the actions described in the Plan as “on-going in 2013.” The Monitoring Committee comprises representatives of the Department of the Taoiseach, the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Forfás, and the Office of the Tánaiste.

The Government published the second in its multi-annual Action Plan for Jobs series in February this year. This Plan, which contains 333 actions to be implemented in 2013 by all Government Departments and 46 agencies, will build on the progress made in 2012 and continue to improve supports for job-creating businesses and remove the barriers to employment-creation across the economy. These actions are additional to the 249 actions already implemented under Action Plan for Jobs 2012, and reported on by the Monitoring Committee in its previous four quarterly reports (see In a departure from the 2012 plan, Action Plan for Jobs 2013 contains seven headline ‘Disruptive Reform’ measures – high-impact measures with highly ambitious deadlines, implemented in partnership with senior industry partners and selected because of their potential to have a significant effect on job-creation. In the first three months of the year 144 (96%) of the actions committed to, were delivered as planned.

Actions due in Quarter 2

In the second quarter of 2013, Departments and agencies were to deliver 180 measures relating to 135 of the Action Plan’s 333 actions. Some 20 of the measures due in Quarter 2 of 2013 have been delivered on schedule, giving a completion rate of 89%. In delivering 160 second quarter measures under the Plan, the Government has, for example:

§ As part of Disruptive Reform 1 – “Big Data”

o Established a joint Industry-Government Big Data Task Force to progress the Disruptive Reform – Action 1

o Identified and mapped the key enterprise and academic expertise for the core areas of Data Analytics, Management, Security and Privacy – Action 8

§ As part of Disruptive Reform 2 – ICT Skills

o Completed research and consultation on addressing the demand for high-level ICT skills across all sectors of the economy in Ireland – Action 20

o Designed an e-form to reflect the changes being made to the rules and criteria of the employment permit schemes – Action 22

§ As part of Disruptive Reform 3 – Integrated Licences

o Using the retail sector as the pilot activity, established a steering group comprising relevant stakeholders including licensing authorities, and relevant Government Departments and agencies and the Office of the Data Commissioner; complete and agree the Statement of Objectives, scoping, project plan and work programme for 2013 – Action 31

§ As part of Disruptive Reform 4 – Trading Online

o Consulted with representatives of the digital industry in Ireland to establish the contribution which those companies can make to the design and implementation of the Trading On-Line initiative – Action 37

§ As part of Disruptive Reform 5 – JobsPlus

o Designed the detailed operational arrangements for the initiative and launched the new scheme – Action 41

§ As part of Disruptive Reform 6 – Energy Efficiency

o Published the National Energy Services Framework, and identified, evaluated and selected exemplar projects – Action 43

o Agreed the detailed fund design for na Energy Efficiency Fund to support innovative energy efficiency in the public and commercial sectors – Action 44

And more broadly, in Q2 Government has also for example:

§ Undertaken a survey of demand for SME credit – Action 61

§ Recruited additional reviewers for the Credit Review Office – Action 64

§ Established the BlueBay Ireland Credit Fund (SME Credit Fund) – Action 66

§ Agreed to re-align the majority of competitive public research funding around 14 priority areas of research over the next five years

§ Held ‘Gateways’ public events for the food industry – Action 110

§ Completed the IT infrastructure to support the commercial leases database – Action 118

§ Commenced the process of mapping future broadband investment – Action 151

§ Showcased the first “advance” Local Enterprise Office (LEO) in Fingal County Council, launched the LEO Branding/Logo, published the Framework Service Level Agreement and commenced the rollout of the LEOs – Action 173

§ Implemented the European-wide Structured Dialogue Consultation Process with young people based on the theme of social inclusion and quality work provision – Action 232

§ Developed a Volunteering Programme for the Gathering Ireland 2013 – Action 234

§ Launched a National Step Change Initiative to strengthen Ireland’s manufacturing base, focused on capability building and enabling companies to take one step up to drive enhanced productivity and competitiveness; to internationalise; to deepen engagement in innovation and to collaborate to compete – Action 243

However, as stated above, 20 of the measures outlined in the Plan have not been delivered on schedule:

1. If viable, commence planning and consultation on the development of a ‘trusted partner’ registration system for the Employment Permits applications process - Action 28. The viability of the ‘trusted partner’ approach is currently under consideration. Assessment will run into Quarter 3 in order to consider further the IT requirements. However, this will not affect the implementation of changes earmarked for Quarter 3 and 4 under the Action Plan for Jobs.

2. Arrange temporary inter-organisational secondments to improve staff awareness between DJEI and DJE of the schemes to access the State i.e. employment permit versus visa - Action 30. The potential for inter-organisational secondments is being explored. It is important to ensure all new processes and rules with regard to employment permits have been finalised and implemented before secondments begin; otherwise the learning achieved through a secondment arrangement will become quickly dated.

3. Progress the Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Bill 2012 to enable SFI to fund applied research – Action 84. This Bill was debated at, and completed, Select Committee stage on June 11th. However, due to pressure of other Oireachtas business, Report Stage for this Bill is now listed for September 2013.

4. Establish new National Support Structure to reflect EU Horizon 2020, the successor to the FP7 Framework Programme for Research – Action 89. The establishment of the National Support Structure was dependent on the outcome of the committee arrangements for Horizon 2020 which were not settled until late June 2013. However, preparations are now underway under the coordination of Enterprise Ireland, in consultation with the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, regarding the establishment of the National Support Structure for Horizon 2020.

5. Complete and publish the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan (OREDP) – Action 102. The text of the OREDP is at an advanced stage. Consideration is now being given to the approach to be taken to the timing of its publication on which a decision is expected in the next week.

6. Publish the draft employment permits legislation to provide for more flexibility and targeted instruments in support of the economy’s evolving skills needs – Action 145. In spite of significant progress on this commitment, it has not been possible to meet the Quarter 2 target for publication of the Bill. A final draft of the Employment Permits (Amendment) Bill 2013 is expected shortly, with a view to it making ready for publication as early as possible. Progress also continues to be made on the parallel development of necessary Regulations which will be required upon enactment of the Bill.

7. Implement expansion of the call-centre to improve the employment permits system and the supporting policies and procedures – Action 147. Plans to extend call-centre hours are at an advanced stage with the National Employment Rights Authority. However, full implementation will require further development of the call-centre’s processes and ICT systems. Implementation will now take place in Quarter 3.

8. Enact legislation to (i) put NewERA on a statutory footing, (ii) create a strategic investment fund (absorbing NPRF assets) with an Ireland-focused investment mandate, (iii) streamline governance processes in the NTMA. This will facilitate a redeployment of NPRF resources to areas of strategic importance – Action 150. The Heads of Bill were approved by Government on April 16th and are currently with the Office of the Attorney General for drafting. It is Government’s intention that the proposals contained in the Bill will be effected later this year.

9. Examine bus market to open PSO routes post 2014 – Action 162. The National Transport Authority is proceeding with its work for a statutory consultation on potential opening of Public Service Obligation (PSO) bus routes post 2014.

10. Continue to engage with the Attorney General’s Office and to provide any assistance required to progress the drafting of the legislation with a view to having the Workplace Relations Bill published – Action 167. The Workplace Relations Bill was approved for priority drafting by Cabinet in July 2012 and was included on the 'A' list for the Government's Summer Legislative Programme 2013. Drafting of the Bill has been taking place and the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation has engaged with the Attorney General's Office to progress the drafting during Quarter 2 2013. Enactment of the Bill will necessitate amendments to approximately. 22 primary Acts, 12 specified parts or sections of Acts and 71 Statutory Instruments. It has not been possible to meet the Quarter 2 target for the publication of the Bill. However, the Minister is committed to the publication enactment of the legislation as early as possible, with a view to having the proposed new Workplace Relations structures in place from 2014.

11. Roll out Competitive Regional Feasibility funds to the Mid West – Action 180. The purpose of the Competitive Start Fund is to accelerate the growth of start-up companies that have the capability to succeed in global markets. Following the successful execution of two Competitive Feasibility Fund calls for the South East and North West Regions in 2012, Enterprise Ireland is rolling out the model to the other Regions to help accelerate entrepreneurship development at local level, to date in addition to those listed above regional funds have been rolled out in the West; Midlands and most recently in the North East Region. As part of this initiative Enterprise Ireland is scheduled to undertake a Competitive Feasibility Fund for the Mid-West Region in November. In advance of the Mid-West Region Competitive Feasibility Fund being launched Enterprise Ireland will launch a Competitive Feasibility Fund targeting the Aviation Sector in the Mid-West region (running from July – September). In addition a Competitive Start Fund for the Aviation Sector with a focus on the Mid-west region will be launched in December.

12. Establish Socio-Economic Committees in a small number of frontrunner local authority areas to bring greater coherence and oversight to the range of local and community development interventions locally and provide for a more effective matching of resources to locally identified priorities, including those interventions that focus on increasing people’s work readiness and employment prospects – Action 224. Ten Local Authority Areas have been selected for the establishment of ‘Frontrunner’ Socio-Economic Committees (SECs). These areas include: Dublin City Council, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, South Dublin County Council, Cork County Council, Limerick City and County Councils, Galway County Council, Mayo County Council, Roscommon County Council, Leitrim County Council and Offaly County Council. Preparatory work is underway in all ten areas. It is anticipated that frontrunner SECs will be established in these areas in July 2013.

13. Roll out additional guidance to staff working in local Employment Offices, to increase awareness and uptake of the Voluntary Work Option scheme – Action 234. The relevant Interdepartmental Group (IDG) met in May to discuss these issues. As a result of this, a circular detailing the Voluntary Work Option scheme and an application have been developed. These have been sent to the IDG for observations and recommendations. The IDG will meet in Quarter 3 and following their feedback, further work will be undertaken to roll out guidance to staff in the local employment offices regarding the updated Voluntary Work Option Scheme. While awaiting a conclusion from the IDG all Department of Social Protection local offices have been reminded of the existing guidelines for jobseekers seeking to partake in voluntary work to increase staff awareness of the option.

14. Support the OPC in drafting and subsequent publication of the Bill legislation aimed at easing the regulatory burden on co-operative societies and making it easier to run a co-operative as an alternative form of enterprise organisation – Action 237. The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation worked closely with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel in the drafting of the Friendly Societies and Industrial and Provident Societies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill and the drafting was completed on July 2nd. It was thus not possible to achieve the Quarter 2 target date for publication of the Bill. It is anticipated that the Bill will therefore be published in Quarter 3.

15. and 16. Bring to Government and publish the Forfás report on Social Enterprise – Action 238. A report on Social Enterprise was completed by Forfás in Quarter 4, 2012. The final report contains over twenty recommendations on fostering the development of the sector. The report is being prepared for submission to Government by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and will be published imminently.

17. Identify relevant programmes, including management development programmes and Excellence Through People, and assess eligibility criteria in the context of extending the programmes to a broader cohort of firms – Action 244. Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland have been engaged in the development of sectoral strategies (see Action 189) which will facilitate the identification of relevant programmes to deliver to the needs of foreign owned firms (as appropriate). While Action 189 has now been delivered, Action 244 which was contingent on the finalisation of the sectoral strategies will not be completed until Quarter 3. Notwithstanding this delay on the overall Quarter 2 commitment, the National Standards Authority of Ireland promoted and delivered a conference and workshop on Organisational Development & Growth in May which was attended by 80 delegates. Presentations and case studies were provided by leading proponents of Excellence Through People (ETP). Specific radio advertisements on the benefits of certification and ETP were broadcast as part of a national advertising campaign.

18. Complete the processing of the Bord Iascaigh Mhara licence application in respect of Galway Bay – Action 259. Bord Iascaigh Mhara has submitted an application for an aquaculture licence for the cultivation of finfish near Inis Oirr in Galway Bay. The technical and scientific analysis of this application and its Environmental Impact Statement is currently being considered under the provisions of the 1997 Fisheries (Amendment) Act, and is unlikely to be completed before Quarter 4 2013.

19. Technical Advisory Committee to finalise farm standard for the dairy sector and submit to Irish National Accreditation Board – Action 263. The draft standard has been developed with industry and other stakeholders. A delay has arisen as industry requested that individual audits be conducted at each cooperative prior to submission to Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB), rather than basing the standard on the pilot audits as originally intended. This increased the required number of audits from 2 to 44. These will be organised and assessed over the summer by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) prior to finalisation and submission to the INAB for accreditation. It is expected that this process will now be completed in Quarter 4 2013.

20. Commission research into existing methods used to assess and upgrade the energy performance of historic buildings – Action 316. The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht is currently promoting best practice and providing training seminars in upgrading traditionally built buildings to ensure that they are not damaged by inappropriate works. The training element is linked to advanced craft skills development in the built heritage conservation sector with the potential for employment and career development opportunities in the energy efficiency sector. In 2013, the Department aims to develop specific research which will contribute to more skilled expertise in this area and the creation of jobs in this specific growth area, potentially in partnership with Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and the Department of Energy, Communications and Natural Resources. The Department has requested a meeting with key partners as a necessary step towards developing the terms and criteria for specific research in this area and agreeing engagement with partners for a joint programme. Key actions, including the seeking of tenders for the research element, are planned for mid-Quarter 3.