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Minister Cannon opens training and education information event for former Talk Talk workers

The Minister for Training and Skills, Ciarán Cannon T.D., today opened an information event for those eligible to benefit under the European Globalisation Activation Fund’s (EGF) programme for former Talk Talk workers.

The event, held in the Tower Hotel in Waterford, was also attended by prospective employers, education and training providers and occupational guidance professionals.

Since September 2011, almost 370 of the former workers have contacted the EGF Coordination Unit. Of these, 122 are pursuing various higher education programmes, 20 are attending programmes with the local VECs and almost 160 have secure grants to pursue other training options with private providers.

Former workers already pursuing training and re-skilling opportunities spoke at the event to share their experiences. Thanking these individuals, Minister Cannon said, “I am delighted by these personal stories, and how people have used the opportunity presented by this EU co-financing programme. It has had a very positive impact on their lives and those of their families.

“The Government is working hard to create the right environment for job creation across the country. Last week’s progress report on the Action Plan on Jobs shows that this is bringing about solid results, and I am confident that this Programme will continue to contribute to this success.”

The EGF Coordination Unit in the Department of Education and Skills has reported an engagement rate of 62% of former Talk Talk workers. The Minister encouraged all eligible persons to avail of the Programme to pursue opportunities which will place them in an excellent position for the future. He said, “I estimate that some 200 people have not yet engaged with the Programme. While it is possible that a number of these may be employed or emigrated, I would urge former workers who have not already done so to make contact with the EGF Coordination Unit. The staff there will be able to help you and advise you on suitable options.”

The Minister concluded by thanking all those who participated in this event. He commended the various providers who have responded to the needs of the former workers. He urged them to continue in their efforts to create opportunities for all redundant workers in the South-Eastern region.


Note to Editors

The EGF is an EU co-financing instrument drawn from savings across the EU budget annually and with an annual funding capacity of up to €500m. Its objective is to assist Member States to provide active labour market supports to workers made redundant as a result of the adverse impacts of globalization.

Upon approval of an EGF application, member states must provide up to 50% of the funding of approved measures. Measures allowable for EGF co-financing include guidance, upskilling and re-skilling, further and higher education opportunities and enterprise supports.

While the delivery of personalised services to the former Talk Talk workers commenced in September 2011, the European Commission formally approved the Department of Education and Skills’ application for co-financing assistance in December 2012. The estimated total cost of the programme is €5,392,765, of which 50% comes from national resources.

In total, there have been 114 EGF applications made since 2007 across the EU with total EU expenditure to date of €394.9m. Ireland has made six successful applications for EGF assistance since 2009. These were in support of redundant workers at Dell (Raheen, Co. Limerick), Waterford Crystal and SR Technics as well as three applications for particular subsectors of the construction industry. The Irish programmes have been supported by some €60.6m in EU funding.